chapter eight

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I've decided to update on Sunday from now on!

And also, this chapter is shorter than me.


It's Monday. Back to school. Back to studying. But it's not school that is gnawing in my stomach. It's Claire and Beverly. I have to talk to them today, and even though Jonathan will be there too I'm scared. What if they've decided to leave me? Who am I supposed to be with then? Jonathan has his own group, and they're nice but I don't think I would fit in.

"Hey." A soft voice says from behind and I spin around within a second. I haven't met Jonathan since Saturday and we all know what happened then.

"Hi. Uhm... Have you seen them?" I ask him and he shakes his head. His blue eyes looks right at me and I swallow nervously.

"What if they're not even coming?" I say with worry in my voice and search for them in the hallway.

"They'll be here, trust me." He assures me and I nod. He looks to his side and then to the other. I look at him and feel how my heart starts to beat harder. I want to ask him about yesterday, I want to know what we are now. Does he like me or was that just, a one time thing? Because it sure didn't feel like it.

"Jon." I say and he looks at me. I feel how my eyes get teared up as I smile at him.

"Thank you." I mumble and he just stands there looking at me, before pulling me close to him. I rest my head against his chest and he places his chin on my head.

"Anytime." He says and I hug him tightly. It's weird that I've barely known him for a week and I already feel like he's the only person in this world who actually knows me.


As we walk to class I see Claire and Beverly sitting by one of the tables, talking. I look up at Jonathan and he nods at me with a determined frown between his eyes. We walk toward them and when Claire sees us she stands up and Beverly does the same.

"Speaking of the devil." Claire says and I bite my lip.

"I want to explain." I say and Beverly raise one eyebrow.

"What are you gonna explain? How-"

"Let her finish before you start picking on her." Jonathan defends me and I look at him. He stares at both of them with his jaw tensed and then he looks at me and swallows.

"I didn't lie to you. My mom did work all night, and I was supposed to do the shopping, make dinner, make sure Drew went to bed, all by myself. But Jon offered his help, so..." I say looking at Claire and Beverly before I look at Jonathan. He looks at me with the kindest eyes I've ever seen and a small smile dances on his lips. God he's so beautiful.

"So I let him help me. I'm sorry girls, I know I should've told you I was with Jon, but I didn't okey? I- I'm really sorry. You're my best friends. I don't want to fight with you. You're the best I have." I say and both Claire and Beverly looks at me for several seconds. Then they pull me into a big hug, and I feel how the lump in my throat disappears within a second.

"We're sorry, Q. I guess we overreacted." Beverly says and I smile.

"Yeah, no shit." I say and we all laugh. I look up to see Jonathan slowly walking backwards to the classroom. I smile at him and mouth a thank you. He smiles and winks at me before turning around and disappears into the classroom. That wink made me feel a tingle in my stomach.

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