chapter thirteen

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This chapter is short and bad, but I felt like have to post something !!

Love you, thanks for reading! <3

Me and Jon. Who could've thought of that? To be with Jonathan is like... It's like experience all happy things in life at the same time. It's hot chocolate in the winter, it's a cool gust on a summer day, it's everything good.

I feel like I can be myself without feeling ashamed of it, and he makes me forget about all my insecurities and worries. I know it sounds cliche, but I can't find any better words to describe my feelings for him. It's so difficult to put this feeling down into words. It's nearly impossible. You have to experience it to understand what it feels like.

"Hey there beautiful." My favorite person in the whole wide world says as he opens the door to his house. He's wearing a pair of grey sweatpants, a plain white t shirt with his hair all messy. My guess: he just woke up. I smile at him before giving him a quick kiss on the lips. It's Thursday and Jonathan and I decided we should just take the day off to do nothing at all, because we can. Besides, we only have one lesson today, and that's history. Actually, that period is only for the ones who aren't done with the project yet and Jonathan and I have been done for a week. So I wouldn't say we're skipping class, okey?

"Megan!" I say in a high-pitched voice, and Jonathan hushes me since his parents are a sleep. Megan comes running towards me and I pick her up to cuddle with her.

"Hi!" I say quieter and she starts licking my face, and I wrinkle my nose.

"Hey, only I get to do that." Jonathan says while taking Megan from my arms. I laugh as I look at him.

"Don't worry, babe. I won't trade you for a dog." I say, taking his arm and walking closer to him. He looks down at me and I smile teasingly. "But maybe for a cat."

Jonathan opens his mouth and raises his eyebrows.

"Oh, okey. I see how it is. A cat huh?" He says, while letting Megan down on the floor.

"Yeah, I mean. Cats are awesome. Who doesn't love cats? I would definitely trade you for a cat." I say and Jonathan smiles as he looks at me, and I can't help but think how many girls who would kill to have that smile pointed at them.

"You're so cute when you try to be funny." He says and I try to look hurt, but I totally fail.

"What do you mean 'try'? I'm obviously a natural." I say and flick my hair. Jonathan smiles before pulling me closer for a kiss. I love him so much. I can't believe that he's actually mine.

"You really think a cat can kiss you like that?" He says and drags his thumb over my lips.

"Probably not." I say and laugh shortly with a laugh.

"You want breakfast?" Jonathan asks. Since it's only half past eight in the morning I nod and smile at him.

I sit down by the table and watch Jonathan as he stands by the stove, pouring some pancake in the frying pan. Of course Megan comes up to me and wants to cuddle more, so I pick her up and kiss her on her head.

"You're so cute." I say and she waves her tale happily.

"Oh thank you, I haven't even fixed my hair yet." Jonathan says and turn around while smiling at me. I roll my eyes at him, he's such a dork. He just laugh and turn around again. I put Megan down to walk over to Jonathan, I wrap my arms around his stomach and lean the side of my head against his back. I'm so in love with him, it's crazy.

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