chapter four

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I sense the drama slowly crawling out of my fingertips.
I have some really good ideas on store for you guys, stay tuned.


At dinner my mom asks both me and Drew how our day was.

"Pretty cool actually. I've made a new friend." I say while shoving some food in my mouth.

"Is it a he, or a she friend?" Drew asks and I look at him with my eyes squinting.

"It's Jonathan Brandis. It's a he." I tell Drew, pretending he's five. He just gives me an sarcastic look then rolls his eyes. His blonde hair falls in front of his eyes and he pulls it away with his hand. I was blonde too when I was in his age, but now it's darker and I kinda miss that light blonde tone. Mine almost looks brown.

"Oh, I've heard a lot about that boy. His parents are really nice." Mom says and I shrug.

"Well... I've never met them, but Jonathan's nice." I say and Drew makes a ridiculous face.

"Oh Jonathan." He says, pretending to be me and I give him an annoyed look.

"Stop it!" I say. Drew stops, for the first time ever. I wish I had a big brother instead of this little shit as a sibling.


It's hard to sleep. My bed's too warm and when I take the cover off it gets too cold. I sigh and turn around so I lay on my back. I turn to the side, then to the other side.

"This is impossible." I whisper to myself while turning the lights on. I stare at the ceiling and sigh once again. Why can't I sleep? What's bothering me? Is it the test on Friday? Or maybe it's the duo next Tuesday that's keeping me awake?

I frown when I realize what the problem is. I'm thinking about Jonathan. But why though? I really had a good time this afternoon, I felt like he saw right through me and somehow understood me. I've never felt like that before. Maybe that's what's keeping me awake? I have to admit I'm kinda excited for tomorrow, to meet Jonathan again. He makes the project fun, and I feel like he motivates me to do my best on this. But why would that make me feel like I can't sleep?

I turn off the lights again and close my eyes, trying to think of something else. It's nearly impossible but at some point I must've found something else to focus on, because the next time I open my eyes it's light outside.

I hope to God that I haven't overslept. I tiredly lift my arm to grab my phone on the beside table. When I see what time it is I literally fly off my bed and put on the closest clothes I can find. The time shows 08.16, that means my class started 16 minutes ago, and that means I'm late. I run down the stairs and doesn't have time for breakfast what so ever. I put on my jacket and run as fast as I can to school, without lacing the shoes.

Everybody looks at me as I rush in to the classroom. It gets quite for a second before my teacher sighs in relief.

"Oh, Quinn. I thought you were sick today. I'm glad you're here." She says and I feel a bit embarrassed as I smile apologizing at her.

"Sorry I'm late." I say before making my way to my seat. I take my jacket off since I didn't have time to put it in my locker and when I sit down I feel how my heart is pounding hard in my chest.

"I've never run this fast in my whole life." I whisper to Claire who sits besides me. She smiles at me and tries not to let a giggle out. I put my messy hair up in a ponytail and take a deep breath. Well, this has been a stressful morning. Hope the rest of the day will be calmer.


You know what? Fuck that, this day just seems to get worse.

My mom just called my teacher, telling her that she wanted to talk to me. She wants me to do the shopping today because she has to work, and I'll probably have to cook dinner and do the dishes and make sure Drew goes to bed etc. God help me.

I sigh as I hang up on the phone and walk out of the teachers room; the only place where there's a phone. I walk over to my locker and rest my forehead against it while keeping my eyes closed.

"Hey, what's up?" I hear a surprisingly familiar voice say behind me. I turn around and look at Jonathan as he stares at me.

"Uh, nothing, I just- I...I'm kinda stressed out." I say and smile at him while shaking my head. "But it's okey, it's not that bad."

"Oh, okey. Uhm... I was thinking that maybe you'd want work on the project this afternoon? I figured that if we work fast we get more time over to practice on the presentation." He says and he looks at me with his blue eyes full of hope. I frown as I answer him.

"Jonathan, I would rather like to. But, I have to go to the grocery store and I- I have to make dinner and do the dishes a- and make sure Drew behave and... I can't even think of everything that I have to do, so... I- I'm sorry, I really can't." I say and Jonathan nods.

"I understand. But, well, I can help you? If you want to? I don't have anything better to do so..." He says with a smile and I open my eyes to say something like: "no it's okey, thank you" or "it's fine, I can manage it." But I realize in the same moment that I really could use some help.

"Yeah. I'd like that. It would make everything so much easier." I say and Jonathan smiles big.

"Okey, great! Well, I'll see you later then." He says and I nod while smiling.

"See ya later." I say and watch as he makes his way down the hallway. I kinda like the way he walks; with his hands down his pockets and his hair bobbing up and down with each step. I catch myself staring at him and with red cheeks I look around to see if anyone saw, but I can't see a living soul nearby.


"So, are you on for tonight?" Beverly asks me when we sit down to eat at the dining room.

"On for what? What's happening tonight?" I ask and Claire rolls her eyes at me.

"We're having a sleepover, duh?" She says and I realize I had forgot that we always have sleepovers on Thursday.

"Oh, I totally forgot! I'm sorry girls. I can't." I say and look at them with sad eyes.

"Why? I mean we always have sleepovers at Thursday? It's not like it's something new." Beverly says and I sigh.

"My mom has to work so I need to help her out at home. I really can't tonight." I say and both Claire and Beverly get that understanding look on their faces.

"It's okey. We can have it next Thursday instead, it's not a big deal." Claire says and I smile. These girls are way too understanding, I love it.

"Thank you. I mean, you can have a sleepover without me." I say and they both shake their heads.

"No, we don't want to. Then we can't talk about all the fun we had because you won't understand anything." Beverly says and we all laugh because it's so true. I will be forever grateful to have these girls by my side. I couldn't ask for better friends.


My mom literally just told me I need to start dating, wtf.

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