chapter nine

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I like this chapter.



Everything's back to normal. The trio is reunited and it's all good. Me and Jonathan have worked on the project almost everyday this week, and it's going great. Though we haven't really talked about that Saturday afternoon, but I feel that there's something going on at least. Jonathan is more loving and I notice how he wants to be near me. Like, I notice how he speaks differently to me than how he speaks to his friends and he likes to put his arm around my shoulders. He never did that before the kiss, and I don't know. It feels like we have something, but I'm not sure what.

I met his dad yesterday and he was so cool. Apparently he's a fireman, and he told me about all the crazy things he gets to do at work. Jonathan kept reminding me that we actually have a project to work on, but I thought it was funnier to listen to his dad's stories. And Jonathan's mother is the sweetest person I've ever met, besides from Jonathan. He's so lucky to have Mary and Greg as parents. I'm actually kinda jealous, but don't get me wrong. I love my mom and she works hard for me and Drew. But Jonathan seems to spend a lot of time with his, and that's something I can't.


"Quinn!" I hear someone, well not just anyone, yell from behind. I turn around to see Jonathan running towards me. He looks really happy and I smile at him as he approaches.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask him and he says nothing, just holds out a paper in front of my face.

"What's this?" I ask and look at the paper.

"I got it." He says with a big smile and it takes a few seconds before I realize what he talks about.

"Omg, seriously?" I whisper-scream and he nods proudly.

"I got the role." He says and I smile big at him as I hug him. A while ago Jonathan auditioned for the main role in this new series coming up and now the result has come back, and he got the role. This probably will be his breakthrough in his career.

"I'm so happy for you!" I say as we pull apart and Jonathan smiles at me.

"You're the first person to know." He says and I feel a bit touched.

"Really?" I ask and he nods.

"Of course, you're my number one person to tell something like this to." He says and I smile then frown.

"I thought your parents where number one?"

"Well, they share second place." He says and I laugh.

"Jon that's great! When?" I ask.

"Uhm, well right after Christmas break. So I, probably will be gone from school the rest of the semester, and parts of the summer." He says and I suddenly feel a bit sad.

"Oh. W-when are you gonna tell your parents?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't know, I kinda want you to be with me when I tell them..." He says and I raise my eyebrows.

"Sure, of course. I think we should do it right after school." I say and Jonathan nods while sighing in relief.

"Thank you, I just- I feel more confident with you around." He says and looks me in the eyes. I do my best not to blush but it's almost impossible. I almost never blushed before, but now its different. I just smile at him then lowering my head.

"I should go find Clay and Bev." I say and glance up at Jonathan to se him nod a me.

"Yeah, I'll see you in class." He says with a half faced smile and I feel my stomach boiling of feelings.

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