chapter fifteen

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Bryan Adams in my ears, yes please !!


During the ride back home I'm sitting in the front seat, beside Jonathan and just staring out the window while resting my head against its cold surface.

"Hey." Jonathan says softly as he grabs my hand. I straighten up and turn my head towards him. He quickly looks at me then back again at the street.

"What?" I mumble and look tiredly at him. Every time I'm being reminded about something that makes me sad I always get tired.

"I love you." He says. Somehow he always finds a way to make me feel better, and what's even more impressive is that he can do that just by saying three simple words. I smile tiredly at him as I hug his hand tighter in mine.

We step inside of the house and the warmth surrounds me like a warm hug.

"How are you feeling?" Jonathan asks, gently putting his hand on my lower back as I take my jacket off.

"I'm fine. I-I'm just tired." I say while nodding and biting the inside of my cheek. He looks at me with the kindest eyes, then he smiles.

"Wanna take a nap?" He asks and I can see in his eyes that he already knows the answer to that.

Since Jonathan's bed is the most comfortable place I've ever slept in I convinced him to sleep in it and not the couch. I usually take naps on the couch but I don't think we both would fit. I sit down on the bedside and tiredly trying to kick my jeans off.

"Here, let me help you, lazy heads." Jonathan says and kneels down in front of me. I feel like a three year old as he pulls the jeans off of my legs. I literally just fall back and let the bed catch me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"I'll be right back." Jonathan mumbles and leaves a kiss on my forehead before he exits the room.

I sigh as I crawl underneath the blanket. I breathe in the smell of Jonathan and smile. It doesn't take long before I hear the door creaking as Jonathan enters it. I open my eyes to see him standing there with two lighted candles in his hands. I look at him with a frown but then I can't help but smile, because he looks so cute as he stands there with the two candles in his hands. He shrugs as he puts them down on the bedside table.

"What's with the coziness?" I ask smiling. Jonathan looks at me then he smiles.

"To cheer you up." He says and leans down to kiss me. I kiss him back, keeping his lips on mine for one second longer than usual. He separates our lips slowly and smiles.

"I didn't take you for a romantic." I mumble as he walks to the other side of the room to draw the blinds.

"Don't get used to it, because I hate cliches." He says and I smile because I know that's not true.

"No you don't. Everybody loves cliches, especially when the person you love says them." I say and feel how the bed bends as Jonathan gets in it.

"Well, that I can agree on." He says as he closes up to my back and lay his arm around my waist. I love the feeling of having him close to me, to have his arms around me. I feel safe. The silence fills the room, and I don't mind. Just to hear his breathing is the only sound I need to hear. I wish my dad could be here. Not here right now, in this bed with me and Jonathan, geez that would be weird. But here, on earth, with mom. I can barely remember his voice and I'm starting to forget his face. If it wasn't for the pictures at home I wouldn't know what he looked like. I miss him. I think mom misses him too. Even though she tries to hide it, I sometimes can hear her cry at night.

"I know it sucks, but- it'll get better." Jonathan mumbles from behind, as if he just read my mind and I sigh quietly.

"I hope so." I whisper. Jonathan kisses my neck carefully which sends a tingling feeling to my whole body and he hugs me tighter.

"It will." He mumbles. Along with the sound of Jonathan's breathing and his arm tightly wrapped around my waist I feel how my body gets heavier and sooner than I expected, I fall into a dream full of colors.

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