chapter ten

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I'm a drama queen.

This photo though, heart eyes.



Man, I wish this week could go faster then it already is. After this period we only have one left before we can go home. I think me and Jonathan will work on the project, but I'm not sure. We spoke a little before lunch but since then I haven't spoken to him. Christmas break is closing in and we only have two weeks left now to work on the essay before due.

We go on a 10 minute break and I decide to search for Jonathan. I find him by his locker and he looks up as he see me coming. He smiles at me and closes the locker.

"Hey." He says and I smile.

"Hi. I was thinking about this afternoon. Are you free?"

"Yeah, wanna work on the project?" Jonathan says and I nod.

"It's only two weeks left and we haven't finished the writing so it's about time." I say and Jonathan agrees by nodding.

"And, we need to practice the text too. For
the presentation." He says.

"Right. We can stay at my house. My mom will be home by four and Drew at three, but it's okey." I say and he raise his eyebrows.

"Or... We can stay at my place. Neither of
my parents will be home." He says with a tiny smile and I feel something move in my stomach. Every time Jonathan and I are alone you never know what could happen. I mean, we're practically dating.

"Sure. Your place it is." I say and we walk to class.

I sit beside Jonathan, for like the first time ever, since he convinced me it'd be fun and as soon as I glance over at Claire and Beverly they look at me with flirty faces. It's not like we're holding hands and making out in front of the whole class, but I think everyone know what's going on.

"You know, everyone's looking at us like if we were aliens." I whisper to Jonathan and he leans to me and smile.

"I told you it would be fun." He mumbles back and our teacher hushes. I just roll my eyes at Jonathan and keep concentrating on the math homework.


The day goes by fast, maybe it's because I spent it with Jonathan or maybe it's because our last period is only an hour.

"So I was thinking; instead of having you only talking about World War Two, and me talking about World War One I thought we both should talk about both." Jonathan suggests as we walk towards his home.

"Why? Isn't it easier if we just split the text into two?" I protest and Jonathan shrugs.

"Think about it. If you only talk about the second war then, maybe, you won't have as much knowledge about the first war. And I won't have as much knowledge about the second war." He says and there's a point in his statement.

"I like the idea." I say and look up at him. "But I'm still talking about the Jews."

Jonathan chuckles and smiles at me.

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