chapter twelve

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Watching the breakfast club <333333


Holy shit I'm nervous. Not about the chemistry test or duo tomorrow. I'm nervous about meeting Jonathan, believe it or not. I don't know what we, are supposed to be or if there even is a we. But we had sex and I feel good about it. It's not like I'm ashamed of it and I can't say I didn't enjoy it. Actually, it was really good and I wouldn't mind doing it again. But I don't know about Jonathan. I mean, he sure seemed to like it just as much as I did. I just have so many different thoughts about how this could end.

The snow underneath my shoes crackles as I walk on it and my breathe forms clouds in the air.

With shaky, cold hands I close my locker and look around. I see Claire walking towards me with Beverly beside her. When they see me they wave happily and I smile at them. I have to tell them, but how am I suppose to say it?

"Hey girl what's up, you look kinda pail." Bev says and I open my mouth, trying to formulate the words in my head before saying them.

"Actually I have something I need to tell you guys." I say and they both look at me with wondering faces.

"You can tell us anything." Claire says and I smile.

"Uhm, y-you know me and Jon were going to work on the project yesterday..." I start and they both nod.

"Uh, well we didn't... Really..." I look at Claire first then at Beverly. They both get the same expression at the same time when they realize what I mean.

"You kissed?!" Bev whisper-scream and I smile embarrassed. I never told them about the first time we kissed because I didn't think it would matter.

"Actually we, you know..." I say and I've never seen them so surprised.

"What?!" Claire says loudly and I have to hush her so we won't get all eyes on us. "You serious?!"

"Yes. I know it's crazy but-"

"Crazy?! It's more than crazy! It's insane!" Claire says and once again I have to hush her.

"Keep it down!" I whisper and she grabs my shoulders.

"You're crazy you know that, right?" She mumbles and I nod. She smiles and so does Beverly.

"This is amazing. I knew it." Claire says and I smile. "I knew you two would end up together."

"We're not really together, yet." I say and Beverly rolls her eyes.

"Of course not." She says sarcastically and the gears in my brain start spinning. Me and Jonathan, as in we? I like the sound of that, but does he?

"Speaking of which." Claire says with a smile as she looks behind me. I turn around to see Jonathan and Steve, one of his best friends walking down the hall towards their lockers. He laughs at something Steve says and when he sees us he waves. I smile and raise my hand as an answer.

"Come on, go talk to him!" Both Claire and Beverly nag me and I have to give in at last. I walk toward Jonathan, a thousands thoughts running through my mind and I don't know which one I should listen to. He looks up from his locker, putting some hair that has fallen in front of his eyes behind his ear and smiles at me. He's perfect.

"Hey there stranger." I say as I approach to him.

"So, I'm a stranger now?" Jonathan says and to hear his voice makes the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

"Let's just go with strange." I say as I reach him. He looks at me, his blue eyes just staring at me like if it's the first time he ever saw me. I take a deep breath and Jonathan opens his mouth half wide open.

"About yesterday-" I start.

"You don't regret it, do you?" He asks with a tiny frown. I look at him for a second and shake my head.

"No." I say a smile dances on my lips as I look down at my shoes, a bit embarrassed. "Actually, I really liked it."

"Me too." I hear Jonathan say I raise my head and see him looking at me with a playful smile on his lips. I smile and laugh shortly. He does the same and we just look at each other for, what feels like forever. Jonathan takes a deep breath before opening his mouth.

"Can I kiss you?"

The question makes my stomach turn and it makes the world stop spinning. I look at him, slowly nodding while looking down at his lips. He takes one step closer to me while putting his hand on my cheek. The touch makes me feel so many different types of ways and I like all of them. Jonathan's lips feels just like they did yesterday, warm and soft. I answer his kiss and feel like I could kiss him over and over, no matter how many times, without getting enough. We don't kiss for more than 5 seconds, but 5 seconds is all I need to be certain that this won't be the last time.

"Quinn, you wanna be my-"

"Yes." I say without letting him finish his sentence. I open my eyes to se him staring into mine.

"Well then, I hope you call me boyfriend instead of stranger from now on." He says and I laugh.

"Fine, stranger." I say while smile playfully.

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