chapter seven

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Usually I would have been happy about this weekend. You know, that means you can spend more time with your friends, if I only had any left. Currently I'm laying in my bed and the time is 4 pm. I haven't done anything today. I've barely even eaten anything.

"Quinn, honey?" My mom knocks on the door. I stand up and walk over to open up for her.

"You sure you don't want anything to eat?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I'm not hungry." I mumble and she looks at me with an concerned look on her face.

"Baby, you need to eat. I know this is hard for you, but if you don't eat you'll only get weaker and you could get sick." Mom says while caressing my arm. After a few seconds of silence I finally nod and follow her downstairs.

"I'll make you a sandwich." She says as she kisses my head and making me sit down in a chair. I feel so tired, though I've slept for like 12 hours straight.

"Everything's ruined. Claire and Bev won't talk to me. They won't even listen to what I have to say." I say and frown as mom puts the sandwich in front of me.

"Can't you speak to Jonathan? You two seem to be good friends?" Mom tries and I shrug.

"He was sick yesterday." I tell her and she grabs my hand.

"You can at least call him? That doesn't hurt." She suggests. I nod then try to stand up but mom forces me to sit down again.

"First, you eat." She says and I start eating the sandwich. It actually tastes good and I realize how hungry I am. I'm a slow eater, but to finish this sandwich must've given me some sort of prize.

I walk over to our phone and press Jonathan's number. It takes a few seconds before someone picks the phone up.

"Yes, this is Mary speaking?" I suppose Jonathan's mother, answers.

"Oh, hi mrs Brandis. It's Quinn Bailey." I say and it gets quite for a second so I add. "I'm a friend of Jonathan, maybe he hasn't mentioned me...?"

"Oh! Quinn, right! He actually mentioned a girl named Quinn a few days ago. That must've been you then, I suppose." She says and she has a very happy voice.

"Yeah, I guess so. Is Jonathan home? I'd like to talk to him, if that's okey...?" I ask.

"Oh, of course dear! I'll go get him. Hang in there." She says and it gets quite on the other side of the phone. It takes maybe half a minute before someone grabs the phone again.

"Hello?" Jonathan's voice says and I feel relief. I don't know what I thought, that maybe he was too sick to talk or even worse.

"Hey, it's me." I say.

"Hey Quinn, what's up?" He says, and he actually don't sound that sick at all.

"Uhm, nothing. How are you? Why weren't you at school yesterday?" I ask, you can clearly hear how worried I actually am.

"I eh, I was kinda sick. B-but I feel much better today. It must've been some kind of virus." He says and I nod. "How are you? You okey?"

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