04. always

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It felt as if someone had punched me in the gut once I heard those words

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It felt as if someone had punched me in the gut once I heard those words. My blood went cold. It was as if we were back in highschool. When Lucas and I sat down near the fire and we talked about our feelings. I told him to go to her, but I knew before I even said anything he already chose someone. He chose her. I wasn't as upset as I thought I would be, but it hurt. It hurt more now.

He barely expressed interest in Riley since he came back. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, but I knew we couldn't miss out on a chance to see Zay and Isadora. It had been quite a while, since we last all hung out together. The clique six.

"Oh." I managed to say as I leaned against the door.

"I know it's stupid, but seeing her with Farkle. Just made me feel some type of way and it doesn't feel real." He looked over at me. "What we have is fake? Right?"

"Yeah. Totally." I mumbled.

We sat in the car without saying a word. The faint sound of music filled the emptiness. I looked out the window as we passed various stores and restaurants. It for some reason hurt. Hearing him say Riley. I thought the kiss was real. I thought maybe this could be real, but I was wrong. It was fake. It was all fake. I was the one who came up with the idea. I had to spend time time with him, when he was thinking about someone else.

I snapped out of my thoughts, when he parked the car. I looked over at him and he had a small smile on his lips as he pulled his keys out the car. He looked as if he was about to say something, but the last thing I wanted to hear was about Riley and how he still loved her. I quickly unlocked the door and shut it behind me. I tucked my hands in my jacket as I walked towards the front of the cafe. I opened the door and my eyes widened seeing my friends.

"Maya!" Zay grinned as soon as he saw me. He was sitting next to Isadora and was talking to Riley about something. He got up and pulled me into a hug and I smiled. Smackle also got up and hugged me tightly. She surely knew how to give nice hugs.

Lucas walked in a few moments after me and Zay made a big commotion. He was glad to see Isadora and she laughed at him for flirting with her. Which made us all laugh and Lucas turn red. I sat down next to Farkle and Lucas sat between Riley and Isadora.

"How's Columbia?" Farkle asked as he took a drink of his soda.

"It's great. I mean I've met a lot of great people." Isadora replied with a large grin.

"You got accepted into Harvard didn't you?" Riley asked.

"Yeah, but I wanted stay close to my family." She shrugged.

"This is her last year." Zay smirked as he wrapped his arm around her.

"You graduate early?" Lucas raised his eyebrows.


Isadora had her life mapped out, which was more than I could say about me. I was happy for her. I was happy for Zay. I was happy for everyone. I lived with my best friend and had another year left of school. I had no reason to complain.

"So.. Zay," Riley raised her eyebrows. "When are you gonna seal the deal?"

Isadora almost choked on her drink hearing the question. Which caused her to start coughing and Zay helped her.

"Woah. We are both young and I don't wanna rush anything." Zay chuckled.

"What about you Riley? Are you and Farkle?" Lucas chimed in motioned between the two.

Riley looked between Farkle and Lucas.

"Well I m-mean." She started to stutter.

"Riley likes Farkle. Farkle likes Riley." I raised my eyebrows looking at Lucas which made him look in my direction.

"What? Riley can't tell me that?" Lucas furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well obviously she doesn't wanna tell you if she's sitting there stumbling on her words." I challenged.

"You act like I don't know Riley."

"Oh. We know you know Riley." I wickedly laughed.

"Guys." Riley tried to speak.

"What do you mean?" Farkle looked at Maya and Lucas.

"Why are you fighting with me?" Lucas kept his attention on me.

"I'm not fighting with you! You act like it isn't clear enough that they like eachother, but you wanna butt into whatever they have." I rolled my eyes.

"Maya." Lucas said slowly as he locked eyes with me.

"What? Do you think I'm gonna blurt out about what you told me in the car? Do you really think I'm like that?"

"What happened in the car?" Zay asked confused.

"Nothing." We replied at the same time.

"Why are you acting like this?" Lucas looked at me again. "Are you jealous?"

I inhaled sharply hearing the word jealous. It made my blood boil. Hearing Josh call me jealous earlier and now Lucas asking if I was made me angry.

"Yeah. Jealous that you still have feelings for Riley." I curled my hand into a fist as I watched his face drop.

Oh no.

Riley got up from her chair and walked towards the bathroom as Isadora followed her. Lucas stormed out the cafe as he went outside with Zay following him. I looked in Farkle's direction and he had a blank stare.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled under my lips as we sat there just us with an empty table.

"Don't be." He replied. "You still like him don't you?"

"I don't know. It's all fake, but something felt real when we kissed." I whispered as I pulled his chair closer and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I know it's confusing." He sighed as he relaxed.

"What are you thinking right now?" I asked looking at the empty chairs.

"I'm afraid she will fall for him again." He admitted.

"Can we just stay like this forever?" I asked.

"I wish." He mumbled under his breath.

"Do you still love us equally?"

"Always. I will never stop caring, even if I have romantic feelings for Riley. I will be there for you. Always."

And in that moment I felt safe.

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