09. nothing but the truth

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i changed the cover but im still iffy on it but please feel free to tell me what you think! also i have another story coming out but it won't be till this story ends that way i can focus on one at a time. this chapter is bad but it's more of a filler for now before the next chapter which is !! alright that's it enjoy!

 this chapter is bad but it's more of a filler for now before the next chapter which is !! alright that's it enjoy!——

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I walked back towards the living room where everyone was when the I heard a faint knock. I opened the door to see Farkle. His hair was a mess and pulled back into a beanie. He looked as if he had just got out the bed. I raised my eyebrows as our eyes met.

"Don't ask." He grumbled which made me laugh and open the wide so he could come in.

"Look who it is." I smiled as we walked together into the other room. Riley's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree seeing the tall brunette male walk in. She waved for him to sit next to her and I stood in front of Lucas.

"Should we talk?" I questioned looking down at him as he sat in on the love seat by himself. He simply nodded his head as he followed me towards the empty kitchen.

"Look, May-"

"No. Don't apologize. I'm sorry. I was trying to pressure you into staying but I can take a hint. You don't have to stay. I'll go to Josh's wedding by myself." I sighed as I looked up at him.

"Maya." A small smile made its way on his lips. "I do like you. Okay? A lot."

"But you like Riley, too?"

"Riley and I are nothing. She is in love with Farkle. You are the real thing. You are who I want. The good and the bad. I might not be able to stay for now, but we can make it work." I could feel myself get red as he spoke.

"..And you don't have feelings for Riley anymore?" I raised my eyebrows and he shook his head. I smiled as I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me to the living room. I plopped down next to Isadora.

"I hate that we are all so far apart." She mumbled as she looked over at her boyfriend who was talking to Lucas about something.

"You only say that cause Zay lives in Texas." I teased as I put my arm around her shoulder.

"But so is Lucas." She smirked as she looked towards me.

"Shut up." I groaned.

"What was that?" Lucas chimed in as he turned his head in our direction.

"How about we play a game?" Riley smiled as she leaned her head on Farkle's shoulder playing with his hands.

"A game? You do realize two thirds of us are in a relationships while some of us are single. Also we aren't ten years old." Lucas pointed out looking towards me. It was the second time we'd made eye contact since he walked in.

"Yeah some of us." Isadora faked a cough which caused all of us to look in her direction expect Riley and Lucas. They seemed to keep their heads down or look the other way but I wasn't sure.

"Okaaay." I dragged on before looking at the others. "Let's play a game."

We all sat together in a small circle. I was sitting between Zay and Riley. My eyes drew to Lucas who was right in front of me. He was next to Farkle and Isadora.

"Should we do something easy? Truth or Dare." Zay smirked as he looked between us.

"We need some rules first." Isadora pointed out as she looked away from Zay.

"Alright. Rule one. You have to do the dare but if refuse to do it, the person has to ask you a serious question that you must answer. Truthfully.." Farkle suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I was gonna suggest give them a new hair cut but-" I joked.

"No way! Rule two. The truth. Nothing but the truth." Riley chimed in.

"Yeah, the truth." Isadora snickered which made me furrow my eyebrows.

"Anyways. Rule three. Don't get crazy." Lucas narrowed his eyes at Isadora.

"What!" She exclaimed.

"Let's say Zay had to kiss me. What would you do?" I teased looking over at her.

"Hmmm probably.. Fight." She chuckled.

"No crazy." I responded.

"Okay let's start." Farkle smiled looking at us all.

"Truth or dare, Lucas." Isadora looked over at the blonde with a big smile plastered on her lips which made me tremble.


"I dare you to kiss...Riley." She replied sharply with a spark in her brown orbs.

"Smackle." Farkle furrowed his eyebrows looking over at the raven haired female.

"What? You said not to get crazy besides it won't be too hard for him. Right, Lucas?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Babe." Zay warned noticing the mood slowly shift.

"What are you talking about?" I looked between the two with confusion written on my face. It won't be too hard? What did that mean?

"No." Riley shook her head looking at Isadora.

"She said no, Isadora, so no." He looked back over to her and I noticed the way Riley gripped Farkle's hand. Holding onto tightly and giving it a tight squeeze when she would look over at Lucas.

"Okay then. Fine. But you had no problem doing it a while go, huh?" She rolled her eyes which made me confused. All over again.

"Smackle!" Riley hissed.

"You kissed her earlier?" I mumbled looking towards Lucas who kept his head down. My eyes moved towards Riley who looked away from me.

"You kissed him?" Farkle furrowed his eyebrows looking at Riley.

"It wasn't a real kiss." She replied which made my blood boil.

I grabbed ahold of Lucas' hoodie and pulled him closer to me. Before I whispered something towards him. "You two deserve eachother."

"Well that was a short game." I could hear Zay say.

I shot up from my spot and grabbed my car keys before slamming the door behind me. I couldn't believe him. I couldn't believe her. They kissed.

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