16. say it one more time

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The ceremony was quite long, but none of us complained

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The ceremony was quite long, but none of us complained. I was sitting next to my best friend and my boyfriend. I promised myself never to cry about silly things, but hearing their vows to each other. It felt like love.

"When I first met you, you were heartbroken. At first I thought I was just your rebound, but the more I got to know you. The more I fell in love with. The small things. Your smile, your laughter, the way you love me. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want you to be mine. Officially," I could see Juliet tear up from my seat. "I want you in my life. I want to be the one for you."

I squeezed Lucas's hand in that moment. He looked at me in response and I looked back at him. A small smile made its way on my lips and he smiled also. I tuned out everything else as I brought my lips to Lucas, but we were quickly stopped by a fake cough. I looked towards the direction of the voice and it was Matthews with a stern look on his face.

Lucas quickly turned the other way and I looked towards the ceremony with a muffled laugh escaping my lips.

"I love you, Juliet Pierson, with every fiber of my being. You are everything I love. I love to hold you close to me and I love to go to sleep next to you then wake up in the morning with you next to me. You make me feel safe. I know I can tell you anything and even though I might do dumb mistakes, you still love me. You still care for me. I love you so damn much." As Josh finished his vows I couldn't help but grin.

After a few more words and the exchanging of the rings. They were pronounce Mr. and Mrs. Matthews. He pulled in Juliet tightly to his lips and I couldn't help but chuckle. Then I felt Lucas's lips on mine which surprised me but I melted into the kiss.

"So can you dance, cowboy?" I asked when he pulled away when confused him but it made sense after the ceremony.

After the wedding, we all went into the house where the tables were set up. The food was laid out and they had a bar in the corner. We all took our seats and I was seated with Lucas. The other people that had their name at the table were Riley, Farkle, and two other guest. First we had to wait for the bride and groom. As we were served champagne and water in case we needed to wash it down. Another bell chime like earlier could be heard.

There they stood Juliet and Joshua Matthews.

Everyone cheered including Lucas and I. We clapped and cheered. They walked down and went to their own table. Soon Riley appeared with Farkle's arm around her waist which made me smirk.

"Hey, peaches." I smiled as soon as I heard her voice.

"Hi, honey." I replied as she sat down next to us.

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