The last night

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Peeta's pov

I woke up and my whole room was a mess.I couldn;'t find anything.All i wanted to do, was finding out who did this.I walked out my room.Even the hall was a mess.It was full of lingerie...."Hey thats my bra!" Clove said angry.

She grabt a red bra and wen't back to her room."Rue! Prim Renesmee" Finch screamed.They came out of their soom with guilty looks on their faces.Suddenly Prim burst into laughter."What the hell did  you do?" Katniss said to her sister.

"Nothing" Prim said.But than Rosalie came."Renesmee! WHY?" she screamed angry.Yeah i get her but still.Screaming at a little kid."Rose chill you're ass down" Emmett said."Sorry" Prim and Renesmee said.

Everyone looked at Rue."But i'm the prank master" Rue said and she blushed."Don't EVER do that again, its the last night here so we're gonna have fun and not fight" Edward said

And he was right.It was our last night.I wish i could just freeze this moment right here right now.But thats impossible.I just can't believen how much fun we had.I even got a girlfriend.

I will never forget any of this.

Cashmere's pov

This is it.The last night, which means getting waisted and party till the sun goes down.And make up with all the people who don't like me.I quick driessen up and made breakfast for everyone.

"What a seprise" Glimmer said.She looked angry."I'm sorry for everything i have ever done to you, will you forgive me?" i asked praying for a good ander.

"I think i will" She said and gave me a smile and hug.

"Well lets party it up today!" Clove screamed when she walked into the room.Everybody screamed stuff like 'Hell yeah' 

Cato came up behind her and hugged her.They looked so cute together.Someone wolf whistled making her raise her middle finger, causing people to laugh.

Later basicly night, i'm finishing the story in a 3rd persons pov

People laughed and danced around the room, getting drunken every minute."YOLO" screamed a drunk Annie.Cashmere's top was off and there was soult sticking on her stumach.Annie licked it off.

"Hey back- off Cash its my girl" a shirtless Finnick said almost falling to the ground.

"Well fuck you!" Cashmere screamed getting up dancing around with Annie.

"Hey love birds, get a room!" Katniss screamed over the music to Cato and Clove who where making out on the bar.

They stopped kissing and wen't back to drinking and dancing.The music was loud and everybody was drunk.

"Why do people like this stuff" Little Rue said when she tooke a sip of the beer.Renesmee, Prim and Rue have all tried a bit off alcahol and where all disguisted by it.

"I know right?" said Prim looking down at the cup in her hand.

"Lets go outside and talk about the intire camp" said Renesmee as they got up and left the room.Going outside scince their stuff was already packed.

A few hours later

People where mostly done partying and packing there stuff, and sleep the last night in this camp.

What later on happend to the characters:

Katniss&Peeta: They married, got to kids and created there own summer camp every year.

Cato&Clove: They now together live in NY, together the both thought they didn't need to marry cuz they truly love eachother.

Cashmere&Glimmer: They live in a apartnent also in NY and they often go out with Cato&Clove.They never talked to Marvel again, and became roommates/ best friends.

Prim&Rory: Are together in collage, being all happy with eachtoher.They never fight and go on romantic dates.

Thresh&Foxface: Also married and live in Savannah, US.They both have amazing jobs and often go to NY to visit there lovely friends.

Marvel: Still lives with his parent, making comic books.He is happy and single.He doesn't really talk to the others.

Finnick&Annie: They are married and have one child.They live at the beach, teaching their kid how to swim.

Rue: She found her dreamprince in collage and lives happily ever after.

Gale: Lives happily with his wife Madge and give strawberry's to children that don't have food.(Get the strawberry's ;)

Well you know what happend with The Cullens.Just like the books.

A/N: I NEVER thought i would finish this fanfiction, but i did.I like to thank all the readers for being so awesome and for reading.I really want to give a special thanks to my good friend: @Misty_Scarlet. 

Stay Classy, Lots Of Love~ IsabelleLudwig

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