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Baekhyun wiped the glasses with a piece of white towel and eyed around the area. Everyone was busy with their work so they could not pay attention on Baekhyun working for the club even though he had quitted the work. Some were checking the neon lights stuck up on the ceiling and some were running here and there with a box of alcoholic beverages.

Baekhyun spent hours there and it was already time for the club to open. His phone vibrated once and he took a glance at his phone, the screen showing one message from Chanyeol asking him that if he needed the taller to pick him up.

Baekhyun ignored the message and kept wiping the water drops on the wine glasses. But, the appointment with Chanyeol's friends suddenly came into his mind so he put down the towel onto the table quietly.

"I took his money so I need to work for him. That's all."

He told to himself and climbed down to the ground floor then spotted his friend at the corner of the club being trapped by a tall guy.

"What's going on there?"

Baekhyun took steps nearer towards there and his friend finally saw him, then, he found him asking for help within the boy's pitiful glances.

"Excuse me," Baekhyun slowly grabbed the stranger's hand from his friend's collar and said calmly.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Who are you to ask?"

"I am just a worker here and this guy is my friend so I cannot take my eyes off the situation."

The stranger's eyes were dark but the stares were somewhat similar to Chanyeol's. The blonde hair was styled in a manly way and Baekhyun could see his lips sparkling because of the beer that he just drank.

"Well, he drugged me."

Baekhyun was speechless at the words ran out from the stranger's lips. He took a quick glance at his friend.

"Did you drug him?"

"Baekhyun ah."

"What is the reason?"

"Be-because.. a girl gave me money and told me to."

The atmosphere got silent for a while until the stranger suddenly hugged Baekhyun's shoulder.

"It's dizzy.."

"Sir, I will find a room for you to rest."

Baekhyun held the guy's waist and gave a deadly glare at his friend then led the customer to a room. There were only a few people so they could move quickly. Baekhyun opened the door and helped the other to sit on the couch then turned on the lights and the air conditioner.

He also poured some water into a glass and bowed at him.

"So, please excuse me."

"Wait a minute."

"What is your name?"

Baekhyun knew where this situation would lead to so he just turned around and give a smile instead.

"Have a good rest, sir."

Baekhyun got out of the room and closed the room quickly but before he could do, he heard the other saying his own name loud.

"Joo Hyuk is a good name."

+ + +

"Baekhyun! Why did you return home on your own? You should have just called me."

When Baekhyun arrived home, it was 6 o'clock in the evening. He was too tired so he could not even change his clothes and lay across the bed but Chanyeol who appeared from somewhere suddenly burst into the guest room with a question.

Love For Rent [CHANBAEK] ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now