The Beginning:

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   I blinked the bleariness out of my eyes and yawned. I tried to fix my hair and when my vision cleared I saw Gwen's beautiful face smiling down at me. "Hey," I said. My voice sounded low and since I just woke up. I saw an emotion flash across her face. I had no idea what it was but I got a feeling I was supposed to like it. It didn't matter, I liked everything she did anyways. "Hey. I made you breakfast. Its on the kitchen counter." The edges of my mouth tugged upward into a smile and I saw her grin down at me. I loved seeing her but seeing her happy made me love her more. I rubbed my eyes and threw the blanket off my legs. My legs felt stiff but I knew that they would go back to their normal feel. I stretched my hands out into the air and placed them behind me head afterward. I looked at Gwen and I felt her intense gaze on me, watching my every moment as if she was analyzing me. But it wasn't how she usually looked at me, that emotion was on her face again and I just couldn't place what it was. Her gaze scanned my entire body until she landed on my face, when she turned away and walked out of the room and said over her shoulder, "Breakfasts ready." I tilted my head in confusion because I could have sworn I saw her face have the slightest touch of pink, stained across her cheeks. 

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   I gobbled down my pancakes and threw my plate in the sink. I had to finish getting ready in 5 minutes to go down stairs to the aeroplane.* I rushed into my room and pulled the drawer out of my black dresser. I pulled out a navy blue, sleeveless shirt and threw it on. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and ran a hand through my straight blonde hair. My jeans were worn and old but it wasn't the time to try and get fancy. I checked the time again and my eyes bulged out of my head. "One minute." I slipped on my worn, canvas shoes and ran as fast as I could out of my room. "My vest!!" I groaned internally groaned. I ran back into my room and grabbed my vest and dog tag and sprinted so fast a cheetah would have been jealous. I climbed down the stairs at top speed and saw Gwen at the end of the hall by the aeroplane gate. I sprinted and came to a stop next to her gasping for breath like a fish out of water. "Where were you? Why are you so late! I was worried Derek!" I held up a hand to tell her to stop. I needed to catch my breath before answering her questions. I stood up straighter but my heart was still pounding in my ears. "I was eating breakfast and I don't know I just lost track of time. I'm sorry." I put on my vest and zipped it up. From the corner of my eyes I saw Macy, Steven, Jake and Jess coming our way with confused faces. I tore my gaze away from them and saw the General approaching us with two cell phones in his hands. "Don't loose these, don't drop them, and don't break them. They're the only things that less us talk and now where you are. Keep them with you at all times. Understood?" He said. I nodded my head vigorously. It was no time to get on his bad side. "Good. All of your clothes and supplies are on the aeroplane. Good luck soldiers." And with that the General walked away, leaving us to get on the plane. I took in a shaky breath. "You can do this. You can be strong." I doubted that. I wasn't the best pilot or lieutenant in history. But on this mission, I knew that I had to push. Push myself till I break into a million shards of glass, and when that happened I had to pick the pieces back up and push even harder. I had to push and push and push until I finish this mission. Their was no other possibility for me. I was going to fight.

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    "Are we ready to go Gwen?" I walked up behind her and placed my large, warm hand on the back of her cold, leather pilot seat. Her snapped up the from the controls and her warm and beautiful, brown eyes met my bright, hazel ones. "Almost there Derek. Did you tell them why they're here?" She whispered that last part. I wasn't sure why she whispered that last part, we were the only ones here but I sort of understood. She felt that if she said it quieter that it wouldn't be real. Like what she was saying would get lost in the wind and disappear there, never to be found again. I knew what it was like to regret, everyone does. I nodded my head yes, "They took it really well actually. Like this mission might not end their lives." She nodded her head slowly and she was staring off into the distance, deep in thought. "Gwen? Gwen?!" I said. I waved a hand in front of her face, trying to get her out of the trance she was in. She shook her head and twisted her body around toward the controls. "Come on Derek. We have a mission to start." She said calmly. I slide into the pilots chair next to her and strapped myself in. I took a deep breath of air and flipped some switches on. "You can do this Derek." I wrapped my hands around the controls of the plane and looked at Gwen. She looked strong, determined to make this mission a success. She was everything I wasn't at this moment, but that was ok because she gave me strength. 

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   "Gwen. Get some rest. You look like a zombie." I said. She looked at me with shadows playing across her face, making it look ominous and strange. I'm almost positive that if I placed a pillow under her head, she would fall fast asleep in one split second. She blinked her eyes, hiding her brown eyes underneath her tan skin and thick eyelashes. "Gwen," I said in a much softer tone. "Sleep." I saw that emotion cross her face again. It made my gut stir and a burst of energy flow through my veins, making my limbs feel warm, even in the cold control room. Whatever that emotion was, I liked the feeling that came with it, so I was determined to find out what it was. I saw her nod her head and stride to the other side of the room. She pulled a lever and a bed slowly lowered down from the side of the wall. "Wake me up if something happens ok?" She said. I rolled my eyes, it was like she didn't trust me to drive a simple aeroplane. "Yeah I know. Just get some sleep." I said over my shoulder, a lopsided grin playing across my face. In return I received her flash her bright white teeth at me. "I love seeing her smile." I turned back around and looked across the dark night sky with that crooked grin still on my face. 


- Hey guys!! Vicky here! I seriously think that this is a really crappy chapter. It has NO ACTION and stuff and its basically just a filler chapter. But oh well! I was seriously thinking of adding a plane crash just for the heck of it. Oh well. But anyways yea. DID YOU LIKE IT?!?! DID YOU HATE IT?!?! Let me know in the comments below! Feedback always helps guys! And as always STAY AWESOME GUYS! :D


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