The Raven:

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  "Maybe if I lie completely still this hungry animal won't eat me, maybe just maybe." I tried to keep telling myself that if I just laid here it wouldn't eat me. I heard a twig snap under the animal and tried to remain calm. "Well genius its not working now. What do we do?" I felt my breath become heavier, fear pulsing through my body. "Don't tense up just relax man." I relaxed my whole body trying to stay calm. I certainly had a million different ways to die out here but I didn't want to die this way. I wanted to die around people I love, when I was prepared. When I wouldn't regret anything...

"Lupisa! What are you doing?" I heard footsteps crunch against the brittle leaves of the forest. "What the...? Excuse me, boy who are you? What are you doing?" The voice drawled.

I turned my head to the voice tried to pretend I had an ounce of dignity left in me when I said, "Playing dead. Trying to survive. Finding way back to a militia squad leader's aeroplane. Searching for my friend. Its a long story man." He looked at me with a questioning look in his gray eyes when he said, "Its a good thing I have lots of time then, don't I?"

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  "You mean to tell me that the cure isn't real? That the whole national science department tricked us? They actually pulled it off?" He looked at me with pure astonishment etched across his dark face. "I gotta say I'm sort of impressed... Must be a pretty meticulous thing to plan all that out but honestly. All those people..." He shook his head, his mop of black hair moving with it. "People these days, so power hungry. Things used to be easier around here."  

"I'm sorry I just told you everything that's going on and I don't mean to be rude but...  I still don't know your name." I said after a moment of silence had passed. All he did was smile wide at the ground. "You son, you can call me Raven."

"Isn't Raven a girl name? Maybe its just me always associating it with girls though. Sorry I shouldn't even be judging." I breathed out hurriedly. I didn't mean to offend him and the face he made when I said it seemed to morph into disgust.

 "There's a reason I'm called Raven and it ain't because I'm girly or anything you might find eventually if we meet again though. Maybe we won't meet again maybe you won't find out yet. Doesn't matter its a secret anyways." He finished staring at me with a smirk across his face. He looked younger with that look on his face, he looked carefree. "Is this what happened when the sickness spread? No not the sickness the cure.

   "I realize I have to leave soon but I was just wondering Raven," I spoke trying this new name of his. "Do you have a transportation card and do you know where the nearest aeroplane station is?" I said. I could feel the doubtfulness across my face, it was clear as day.

   He smiled at me before tossing a small disk my way. "I never leave these woods anyways you can have it. You going to help that friend of yours?" The expression on his face looked knowing, as if he know that I wanted her for... well multiple reasons.

  "Yea I gotta go help her take down the scientists and stuff, potentially save the world you know average life." My voice dripped sarcasm by the end of it. All I got was the iciest glare I have ever received. 

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"So you find a plane at this time?"

"Yea I should be able to land right by her when it lands again. Hopefully I can tell her about not being dead after all and stopping those scientists." I peered down at my cell phone, checking the time. I had an hour to get there. An HOUR to run 10 miles. "Well quite honestly Gwen has made you run a lot more than that in less time." I dropped my arm and ran a hand through my dirt filled hair.

   "Be safe son. Remember not to get lost in the crowd. Those city people are ruthless when it comes to getting what they want." He said quickly. I let out a small chuckle, he was very nice to me, almost like having a real father again.                                                                                                           

   "I will don't worry. I am a rock. I will not be moved!" I shouted out as I slammed a fist against my chest. The birds chirped and the frogs croaked out in the deep parts of the forest. The sun was starting to set and set the world around it into a warm, blaze. I sure would miss the beauty of this place, but I would never miss the dark, chilling feel of the night. 

"I guess I'll see you again Raven." I lifted up my hand and gave him a two fingered wave goodbye. He gave me a warm smile and I turned around making my way downtown* to the station. I heard a bird call out behind me and spun around, my pack thumping against my back steadily. I saw no remains of Raven only a dark bird flying towards the sun. I spun back around the dry leaves crunching under my feet and the echoing howl of wolves far away from me. 




Hey guys! I suddenlt felt motivated to write all of a sudden..... anyways its pretty short but whatever I dont know what else to put. You will hopefully see Raven again though don't worry. ;D

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