The Boy:

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   "Um... Gwen?" I heard Macy call. "What!" I growled, the sound vibrating in my chest, deep into my bones. "We uh..." her voice trailed off and Jess picked up where she left off. "We have a small situation." I closed my eyes and set the aeroplane to auto pilot. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. Everything seemed so much more overwhelming, without him. Without Derek. He always knew how to see the positive of a situation, calm me down, or just be there. I felt better with him just standing near me. But now it seemed that the weight of the world was on my shoulders. And I can feel myself crack and burn under the pressure. I slumped down into my seat and covered my face. "Gwen!!" Mark shouted. After a groan I got out of the chair and walked out of the silent, metal room.

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   "Alright, whats the big de-" I stopped in my tracks and saw him. The little boy Derek saved. "You!! What're you doing here?!" I watched as his blue eyes widened with fear. I didn't mean to scare him, but I was angry. He shouldn't have come on this aeroplane!! This was no place for a young boy! "I had no place to go!!" He gruffly said. I just glared at him. "Then why were you parents on board with you?!" I said, it made no sense for him to come here when his parents were down on the ground. "Oh. Those aren't my parents, that's my aunt and uncle, they could care less about me anyways." He said it like it was the most casual thing in the world but I could feel the pain in his words. My eyebrows knit together on my forehead, "Then where are your real parents?" I squatted down and leaned in closer, anticipating his answer. "My dad left me and my mom when I was born and well... My mom was diagnosed with cancer. She left me with my aunt and uncle when she died." I could hear the surprised gasps of the rest of my squad. I could see the tears well up in his eyes, and I shared his pain. I was passed between family members until the general gave me a home. I reached forward and embraced him. His tears spilled over his eyes and unto Derek's black hoodie but I didn't care. "Shh shh I know whats its like I know." I could feel my own eyes well up and I could hear the shouts of my aunts and uncles, "Are you kidding me Jeff?! She's a kid!! We can't take care of her!! We barely know her!! Besides we have barely enough money as it is!!" "I'm sorry Jeff but I can't have a another mouth to feed. Moneys tight, I'm sure you'll understand." But they didn't understand, I didn't have a place in this world anymore but they didn't care. The never visited anyways. They couldn't care less about me if I was dead. I could hear the little boy's wails cease, "Y-You know?" He pulled his head away from my shoulder and looked at me, his bright blue eyes wide with awe. "Yea buddy I know." I gave him a sad smile and stroked his dirty blonde hair. "Now, whats your name little guy?" He gave me that same sad smile back and replied, "David Law. Whats yours?" "Gwen. Gwen Lisette." "Great know you know him. Now what're you going to do with him?" 

    "Gwen!" Macy whispered harshly. "What're we going to do with him?!" Her eyes were wide as she spoke filled with concern and worry. "Well we'll have to tell the general but I think I can convince him to stay, but anyways where is he gonna stay? We don't have any empty rooms." Macy looked at me harshly through her crystal blue eyes and whispered sadly, "Gwen you know that's not true." Of course I knew that it wasn't true, but I felt that if I put force into those words and said them out loud that I could believe it. I couldn't. "Macy, I just," I looked down at the ground and leaned against the metal wall of the hallway. "I can't let him go." No matter what I thought I could just tell that I would never get over him. He was my lieutenant, my best friend, my only friend, and most of all, I loved him. I had no idea if I still loved him as a friend or more than that but I just knew that I loved him. She rolled her eyes at me and read her expression, "Ok whatever." I thought about it for a moment, "He can have my room, I'll take Derek's."  I said. She just nodded and walked away. I let out a sigh, she was acting strange. I couldn't place my finger on it but I brushed it off. 

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