The Note:

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    I woke up slowly and a hand flew up to my mouth. I could still feel her mouth pressed on mine in a firm, warm kiss. My stomach stirred just thinking about it. My arms and legs were on fire. Literally. "Shi-" I thought. I threw off my tank top and pants and stomped on them, trying to get rid of the flames. I watched them dance across the fabric and disappear taking away threads. A shiver ran through me. Fire was a dangerous thing. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw the rest of the plane burn and melt, leaving a metal carcass behind. I knew one thing. I never want to see fire again.

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    I let a hand run up my arm and winced at its touched. No matter how gently I put my hand the burn marks scorched against the rest of my skin. Flame marks raced up my arm and bits of metal  impaled my arm. I took a deep breath and pulled the metal out. I couldn't help but scream in pain. When I managed to pull it out my breathing was uneven and shaky. I collapsed on the ground and saw something gleam a few feet away. My vision was blurring and focusing, making my head spin but I pulled myself forward. "Just.." I stretched my hand forward and dug my fingertips into the ground. I dragged myself forward and let out a silent scream. " A little."  I pulled my hand out of the ground and pushed onward on my elbow. The skin on my forearms was peeling and it stinged like a million bees. But I kept going. "More." I stretched forward and I grabbed what was on the ground. I felt the cool edge of a knife. "What? No it can't be."  I lifted it up to the light. "It is."  "It" was Gwen's prized possesion, a knife her father had given to her just before he walked up those steps. She would never give this knife to ANYONE. Besides her memories this was all she had left of him. "She must really think you're in trouble then. Whats that?" I crouched down on the floor and picked up the Bright white object. It was a piece of paper and written in Gwen's sloppy writing it said, "If your still here, tell me." And beneath it was the number on the back of her phone, the number I could reach her by. 

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   I threw my hands up in the air angrily. It wasn't working. No matter how many times I called her it wouldn't go through, it just hung up by itself. "Calm down Derek. Think. Why isn't this working?" I look at the clear screen and realize something. At top of the screen in bright red letters flash, "NO SIGNAL." "Of course. Right when THINK I can get back to her, my phone fails on me." I placed my hands behind my head and crouched on the ground. "Your fine Derek. C'mon what can you do?" I had no idea what i could do. How would I find her? There's no way I could find her easily. It'll be hard. I drew my hand back and threw my phone across the forest. "Wait,"  I suddenly regretted doing that. I scrambled over to the phone my skin stretching and burning. I picked it up and looked through the apps. "C'mon c'mon. It HAS to be here" I finally found the one I was looking for and punched in Gwen's number. She was moving. She was flying but she wasn't that far away right now. I could catch up, I could FIND her. I HAD to find her. "Ok you know where she is but how are you gonna survive? You can't just go ahead and walk to her without a care in the world now can you?!"  I remember talking about a train station close to here. Ugh but which way? North? West? I don't know, and I needed money to board a train. I left all my money on the aeroplane. Well I had almost nothing. Just this cell phone, a knife and the clothes on my back. I sighed in defeat. The chances of me getting to her were slim. The chances of me getting to her in one piece were even slimmer.

    Then an image showed up. A picture of Gwen screaming my name. Trying to warn me. Her beautiful face had so much pain in it with tears streaming down her face. It made my stomach churn, she must think I'm dead. "Then why did she leave you her number and a knife? C'mon Derek. Think man."  That's true. She must still think I'm alive, but I can't tell her. Shes gonna lose hope. I brought my knees to the ground and pounded the dirt underneath me. Everything is wrong. "I was going to help her in this mission, I- I was going to protect her. I can't even do one simple thing right." I brushed my hands against the coarse fabric of my pants and wiped the tears off my face. "Focus Derek. Focus. What are you gonna do?" I gripped my head between my hands. I had no idea what to do first. All I knew was that she was heading away from me and that I had to find her. That's all. "Then use that and go find her!!" I pushed myself up and stepped forward. A shiver ran through me. I was going back in to the wrecked plane, no matter how much I hated it maybe some things had survived the wreck. 

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   A half hour later I had a pack filled with clothes, water, and two guns with extra ammunition. Alright Gwen was heading north,  but why is she heading north? I had no idea, was she going to befriend another associate of the scientists? What was she gonna do? Would she keep herself safe? Tons of questions were flooding my mind right now. Then sadness hit me. Wha- What if she finds a guy out there who deserves her? Someone who can give her the world and the gifts and blessings she so deserves. Her life was made up of sad moments all connected by a string. And what did I give her? More of those. I love her but now? She thinks I'm dead. She'll never love me, she'll mourn but she probably think of me as a friend. That's all I'll be to her. "Derek man. You can still change her mind about that though. You can change that word and make it something more. You just gotta try man. Don't give up." That internal voice was nagging at me again. But they were right. I swung the pack onto my back and brought my phone out, it would die eventually but I could probably save the battery life by turning it off. 

    And then I took a step forward. I needed to get to her, to show her I'm not leaving her that easily, to show that I would not give up just yet. "I wouldn't give in, nothing could stop me. Not a single thing in the world. If they wanted to kill me, whoever they was, they could try. But I promise, " I took a look at what happened her the fire, the wreckage, the aftermath. "They will not succeed."


Hey guys!! Vicky here!! SO YEA... I REALLY HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH THIS CHAPTER... LIKE AT ALL..... But uh yea...... I DREW GWEN.... Take a look on my tumblr!! The link should be below... Anyway! Did you like it? Did you hate it? Let me know down below!! Favorite and follow or whatever you wanna do! As always stay awesome!!

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