The Announcement:

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   "Gwen!!" I heard David whine from the back of the pilot cabin. I wiped a tear from my eye and grumbled, "What is it now?"  Even when I'm alone I can't have privacy, someone always has to bust in, intruding on me. "Gwen are you... OK? I can hear you sniffling." I heard his shoes scuffling across the ground, and his bright, blue eyes saddened. "What's the matter?" It was hard to break the news of why I was crying to him. How was I supposed to tell him it was because he was here and Derek wasn't? How do I tell him its his fault? How can I even try to place that huge guilt over his small, weak shoulders? The answer was I don't, I lie. "Well, its just- well I'm homesick." He gave me a puzzled look then looked me straight in the eyes and said, "You're lying." A wave of dread flowed through me, but then I just looked at him straight  the eye and said, "Yea, yea I am. The truth is I just miss someone. He was my best friend a-and his eyes were just so, bright. He made me happier by just looking at me, and he never judged anyone. He had to really get to know them before even thinking about hating them. Even if he tried he couldn't, he was kind like that. Do you know those types of people that whenever you think of home you think of them and all the memories you had with them?" I looked down at my hands, they were shaking, I pressed my cold fingertips together until my hands were knit together. "It seems like so long since I've last seen him. Sometimes I feel like he won't remember me or that he might forget I exist." I felt my eyes water, I don't think he'd understand how it feels. How it is to be forgotten about everyone. "That seems to happen a lot to me." I felt him place a warm hand on my shoulder first before wrapping his arms around me and climbing into my lap. I sat there latched onto him, letting my sobs rake through me as my tears etched a stream down my face into his shirt.

   "I get that feeling too. That sadness that overtakes you some days where nothing will ever seem right. That sadness that's not hot or cold but just..." his voice drifted off like he had no idea what to say. "It just feels kind of hollow and it goes into your fingertips and the ends of your toes. And I start to feel sort of worthless, and I bet you feel like that too." I felt him reach a hand toward mine and he guided it up to my heart. "That beating you feel? That means that your life goes on. I think we must be here for a reason so you shouldn't feel worthless because you have a purpose." I felt my tears slow down and dry. I lifted my head up at him and laughed. "You know your pretty smart. I would have never have thought of that." I saw him give a small smile before saying, "I know."

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   I lifted my spoon to my mouth and slurped up the taste of the ginger soup. I could feel it trail down my stomach and radiate inside me when the TV turned on, as quick as a flash. I saw the president and the general standing side by side at a podium. I saw the presidents hand shake as they reached toward the small microphone on his chest, turning it on. His shaky breath echoed around the room before he said, "It has come to my attention that the Draft for the Cure has been a failure. As you all might know, our research department has been abusing their power to create a strain that makes a ruthless army." He looked down at his podium as a million lights flashed around him, like lightning just before a storm. When he looked back up at the crowd he had two words to say before he rushed out of the room, "I'm sorry."

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  I never felt sorry for anyone's misfortunes. All they had to do was deal with it. Yet somehow the announcement made everything seem so much more real. It made me realize this was not just a nightmare, this was real life. "How can I just stop those insane people behind it? How do I just save them from this disease? How can I have no power among men. I can't be convincing." The part of me that was overwhelmed and confused and anxious was suddenly replaced with the part of me that was confident and brave and valiant. "I'd like to see them try and stop me from stopping them." If I was going to do this I had to this right. I would not accept failure. I would not accept defeat in anyway. I put the aeroplane into autopilot and stepped out of the cockpit. I walked in to the large training room avoiding the stares of my crew. I turned on the war simulator and walked into the dark, cold room. "Its time to get your game face on Gwen. From now on its the mission. Only the mission. You've done this before." I stepped up to the dimly lit table and picked up the sharpest knife they had, a handle-heavy knife. I turned it over in my hand before the first practice dummy came rushing towards me. "From now on you FIGHT." I heard the impact of the knife Pierce the rough cloth of the dummy. The words "critical hit" flashed in red letters across the dummy's face. I let out a low chuckle. I was just getting started.



Hey guys! Its Vicky! Sorry for not updating and stuff but I had a lot on my plate but Im back and ready to write :D As always comments are appreciated and so are tips so tell me what you think down below and as always STAY AWESOME :D OH AND I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT REDESIGNING THE COVER. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT THAT?


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