The Test:

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   "Did you hear me Marcus? I just said harder. I wanna see that bag break in this next minute." I growled out. "And don't think that didn't apply to you to Jess. I see you slacking, you wanna be a squad leader right? Work for it, I wanna see you pound that bag until your knuckles bleed." I heard her whisper something under her breath and as much I hated that I continued with my own task, I at least have to show David some self defense techniques. I don't know what I'd do with myself if he got hurt.

    "Alright bud. When you see an arm swing back," I tightened my fingers into a fist and wound my arm back to show him. "Its like a coil. It can take so much pressure before releasing right? So you watch for this arm to come. And what is the most important thing to know?" I questioned, I tilted my head down awaiting his answer. He answered fast, like he had stored the information deep in his brain for further thought. "Whatever you do get out of the way and retaliate..."


   "And run away to search for help!" I smiled down at him and ruffled his messy hair. "That's right bud. So what would you do if someone swung at you?" I questioned and I stood there watching the gears turn in his brain and the dull thud of fists against heavy sand bags playing a steady rhythm in the background. "What you would do is find some way to get to an uncovered spot and strike. Remember to NEVER hit a hard area, you need a soft area to strike so it causes more damage. So pop me one real quick I'll show you." I saw him draw back his fist tightly, as I stood relaxed arms at my side ready for him to throw. When he did he took a stride forward, his left stomping hard on the metallic floor and letting his fist come toward me like a jet. Right when he started to through that punch I acted on instincts. I leaped to my side, swinging my forearm up to block his hit and jabbed his stomach gently. I used my hands to grapple his shoulders like a vise. My foot took a small step and my free foot, swung as fast it could before, gently pushing my calf against his small ones. I saw a look of shock appear on his face as he started to fall down. I grabbed his hand right before he hit the floor.

   "Not too hard now was it?" I smirked as I said the words, watching David stare up at me with eyes as big as the moon. "How'd you learn that?! That was AMAZING!" He started jumping around like a little puppy, eyes bright and wide. "Y'know it wasn't too long ago I had that fire about learning. I wonder why it left..."

   "My dad. He was a squad leader and he wanted to teach me to defend myself. Now come on, I wanna see what you're made of little boy." I teased at him, I could practically see his smile drop to an angry frown. His eyebrows furrowed in a way that was supposed to suggest intimidation but ended up looking cute. 

   "Who are you calling little!!!" He retaliated and I giggled as he stomped over to a punching bag and swung his fists with all his might.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - 

   "Why do we have to keep doing these dumb exercises Gwen? We're doing fine right now. This is just wasting our time! We should be going straight to the Lab now and stop them." Jess' shrill voice screamed from behind me.

   "Can we have this conversation when I'm not eating? I have to do other stuff besides teach you the basics everyday. I do in fact have a soul in this body that I would like to keep healthy." I shoveled more food into my mouth, ignoring the frustration radiating from her.

   "That's exactly what I'm saying Gwen! Why do you keep teaching us the basics? We already know the basics teach us something that'll actually take someone down!" She slammed her fist down on the metallic table, her voice booming and bouncing between the walls. 

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