~The Damage is Done

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A/N: Enjoy! Songs I think relate to this chapter is Cry Me A River by: Justin Timberlake and Towers by: Little Mix ~Kat


~The Damage is Done

*Jade’s P.O.V.

“Alondra,” I whispered, before Harry could get closer. He looked into my eyes before pulling away.

“It’s getting late we should go to sleep,” Harry said. “I’ll set up the room,” he added before leaving. My fingers touched my lips and I closed my eyes in frustration. I wanted him to kiss me, but he had a girlfriend… who wasn’t me. Harry came back into the living room and said “The bed’s set up, let me show you where you’ll be sleeping.” I followed him to a room just adjacent to the bathroom. The room was regular sized with a bed in the corner.

“I’ll be in the living room,” Harry said before leaving. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, willing myself to fall asleep. My eyes started to close and before I knew it, I was asleep.

When I woke up in the morning I was tired. The vibration in my pocket was what probably woke me up. I took my cellphone out to look at it. There was a text from Katlyn she was at the dorm and that she’d explain where she was when I got there. I texted her back saying I’d be there in less than an hour, before getting up and going to the bathroom.

As soon as I got out, I went to the kitchen. My fingers slid across the light blue walls. When I started to get closer to the living room I started to hear strange sounds. Harry wasn’t in the living room when I got there. I turned to go to the kitchen and stopped. I stopped because Harry was in there…shirtless. His back was turned away from me, but when he turned around I couldn’t stop myself from looking. He had tattoos everywhere. I wish I knew what they were for. My eyes slowly traveled back up to find Harry smirking at me.

“Good morning,” I said trying to sound unaffected.

“Hey, I was getting cereal. Do you want some?” he asked.

“What kind of cereal do you have?” I asked.

“Cheerios. Fruit loops, Cinnamon toast crunch. I even have pop tarts,” he said looking in the cabinet. 

“Just give me some fruit loops without the milk,” I told him. While he was putting fruit loops in a bowl I told him that Katlyn texted. He gave me my bowl before seating down to eat his.

“Well we better hurry up. Wouldn’t want to miss her again,” Harry said. After that we ate in silence and when we finished Harry out our bowls in the sink. Then we got our stuff and headed out to Harry’s car. In thirty minutes we were back on campus.

“See you around?” Harry said.

“Of course, we have class tomorrow,” I told him smiling, before walking away. When I knocked on the door Katlyn opened it quickly and pulled me inside.

“Hey,” she said.

“Where have you been all this time?” I asked her, setting my stuff down on my bed.  

“First, I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for leaving you, but I told Harry to bring you back,” she said.

“You had the key.”

“Yeah, I realized this when I saw your text, sorry,” she said.

“Is your mom okay?” I asked.

“The doctors said it’d take time for the tests to come back, so nothing’s for sure yet.”

“”I’m sure it’s going to be alright,” I told her.

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