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'She can't swim.' Quinn stated, peering down, looking for her sister. The Joker cursed before practically ripping off his jacket, jumping in after Harleen.

'How dramatic.' The thirteen year old sneered, as Harleen and Joker proceeded to kiss after they surfaced. 'Hey um what do I do?' She asked cheekily, ruining the moment.

Harleen and Joker climbed back out of the chemicals, to where Quinn was standing daintily, balanced on the edge of the area overhanging the chemicals.

'Har, you look badass. For once!' She trilled, voice going high with excitement. 'Can I jump too Mr J? Can I? Can I? Can I?' She asked, head tilted to the side like a puppy.

'Not today Queenie, you're naturally insane.' Harleen giggled as she pulled her sister back from the edge.

Quinn was placed in Arkham at the age of ten for setting her classmate on fire and do you know why?

Because he ate her rainbow sprinkled cookies. And what was wrong with that? She had bought them! With her own money! But clearly everyone else didn't agree with her, she was judged as insane and was therefore thrown into Arkham.

She spent three years rotting away before The Joker busted her out when he escaped because of Harleen who asked him to, knowing that her lover would eventually love Quinn like a daughter.


Quinn moved up and down the pole seductively, as the dark skinned man talking to her dad looked over at her and Harley.


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'Harley.' The sixteen year old purred, pointing at the man, Harley giggled and gave him a little wink as she moved to take Quinn's place on the pole.

After Harley finished dancing, the pair of them walked over and placed themselves on either side of the man. They gently stroked his face as The Joker smiled, 'Are you enjoying yourself? Two beautiful ladies to entertain you! You must be feeling lucky!'

'Not with this lady man,' He said, gesturing to Harley, 'She's your lady, and this one's just a girl!' He continued, pointing at Quinn.

'Fine then don't waste our time!' Harley snapped, pouting as she moved to stand beside The Joker.

Quinn glared at him, 'I'll have you know that I am not just a girl! I am a teenager!' She suddenly let out a deranged cackle.

'Maybe he's too stupid Harley! Daddy should stupid people exist?' She asked, moving to stand beside her adoptive father.

'No they shouldn't princess.' The Joker said, before proceeding to shoot the ungrateful man.

The trio ran to their car, laughing like hyenas, they raced off. Then Batman drove up in his stupid bat mobile, determined to catch them.

'We got company!' The Joker hollered. 'Batsy bastsy.' Harley crooned as they sped on even faster.

'Do it puddin!' Harley screeched as Batman jumped on the car. 'Stupid Bat's ruining family night!' Quinn cursed angrily, grabbing a gun and shooting the roof. That was when they all saw they were about to crash into the ocean.

'Pudding I can't swim!' Harley screamed as they crashed into the water.

As the water filtered into Quinn's lungs, she began to shift, her legs fused into a tail and scales climbed up  her arms and she changed into a mermaid.

Quickly she swam to the front, pulling her sister out of the car seat. 'Come on!' She screamed, the Bat couldn't be far and she had to get Harley and herself out.

Bubbles escaped Harley's mouth as she screamed and pointed behind Quinn, before the sixteen year could even turn around, she was knocked out and the world faded to black.

Harley laughed maniacally before slashing out with a knife she grabbed from the dashboard. Then Batman knocked her out too with a quick swipe, and dragged both of them to the surface.

The minute they surfaced, Quinn's tail turned back into legs which made Batman's job a lot easier as she was heavier with a tail.

He dragged the sisters out, placing them on his bat mobile. He checked both of them for a pulse, relieved to find Quinn had one and horrified that Harley most certainly did not have a pulse. At least, not a pulse that was strong.

Quickly he placed his mouth onto Harley's, puffing air into her. Almost immediately, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, laughing when he pulled away.

And that was how the sisters were placed into Belle Reve.

ITS SUICIDE SQUAD! I loved the movie so much I just had to make a fanfiction.

I have no idea who I want to put Quinn with so it would help if you all could vote.

El Diablo/Chato Satanna

Captain Boomerang/Digger H.

Deadshot/Floyd Lawton

Rick Flag

Make a character (This is open for you to make a character that you want her to be with if you don't want any of the above, or you can also choose a character that I have not stated)

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