Chapter 11

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"Wake up." Quinn whispered, looking directly at Rick Flag. "What?" He asked, confused. He pulled out a gun from under his pillow, pointing it directly at Quinn, "Aw Rick honey," She laughed, flicking her hair, "Do you really think I will let you shoot me?" Her playful gaze turned dark and she threw something at him.

He caught it, it was a document. "I nearly got killed putting that together so you better do something about what I'm going to ask of you." He gawked as he flipped through the files. "This..."

Quinn smiled at him, "Every lair and hideout of every uncaptured villain. Now get hunting, and uh, pass this to Amanda Waller." She handed him a letter that she folded into a origami crane. "I got bored." She explained.

"I'll see you round robin. Show them the bird." She smiled before she free falling out the window. "My names Ri-" The bar, he realized. There was a bar called round robin. The downside?

It was run by The Joker.


"Get me a bloody drink will you?" Quinn snarled, the whip that lay on her legs that were stretched out along the couch. The girl whimpered, terror in her eyes, "I said, GET ME A DRINK!" Quinn brought the whip down, letting it narrowly miss the girl.

"Next one won't be so painless, now my drink." Quinn checked her phone, "Make that none." She decided, "Screw off, if I need you I'll call." She ordered. The girl scuttled off.

Quinn sighed, Mr J hired the worst servers. Ever so cowardly.

"Quinn." Rick joined her in the space she claimed as her own. It had a shimmery gossamer curtain that blocked out curious eyes and ears, the inside had beautiful furniture, all lovely shades of earth with the cushions being shades of pastel.

"Call me Ashe." Quinn purred, her movements were catlike and graceful as she turned to face him, she looked like she was about to let out mad giggle as he flinched slightly but then she stopped, a expression of remorse on her face.

Then looking the most sane she had ever been, she looked Rick straight in the eyes. "I don't want to be Quinn anymore." She whispered, her voice cracked and she closed her eyes.

"What? How can you not be you?" Rick was confused, "Quinn was like a act I put up honey. I acted that way in the asylum after I discovered my fire," gentle inviting fire bloomed in her hands, before gaining heat and becoming so sharp and heated the room began to smoke before it went out.

"I wanted to stop Rick, but then Daddy came into the picture, I knew if I didn't become poster child for insanity, he would dispose me."

Ashe held back, not wanting to start crying and making a utter fool of herself in front of Rick, "Quinn developed over time, she's part of me now." Ashe laughed, "In fact, Quinn is much like the Enchantress. She's a vengeful spirit, taking over my body, taking advantage of my anger, I can't survive without her, vice versa."

She laughed, a deep mad sound that resonated with two voices, one laugh belonged to Ashe Quinzel, a girl who wanted to be herself again, and the other laugh belonged to a spirit.


"No no no." The Joker crooned, "This don't make sense at all!" "Pudding tell me, what's wrong?" "Shut up bitch!" Quinn closed her eyes. "It was you wasn't it? All our friends! All gone!" He kicked Harley to the floor, teeth bared. "Puddin-" He brought his foot up, stamping down on her face before walking out.

Quinn dropped, clutching her sister. "He has no right to do that to you." She whispered. "No no. Puddin loves me. He knows what's best for us."

Quinn shook her head. "He don't."

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