Chapter 4

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'Assets unharmed.' Rick spoke into his comm, glancing back to check what they were up to.

Chato was just standing in a corner, Waylon was looking at Harley and Quinn, Digger was looking at Quinn's ass, Slipknot was standing beside Digger, Deadshot was just holding out his hands in front of Harley and Quinn and Harley and Quinn... Harley was hoisting Quinn up in the air, feet up, hands down.

Quinn was laughing, shaking her head around, wobbling around dangerously. Rick felt a flash of alarm run through him as she teetered around, Harley's hand occasionally giving way which made Quinn slip down before pulling herself up.

'Let's go!' He called.

Quinn vaulted off Harley's hands, landing on her feet perfectly. 'Okie dokey! Off we go!'

As they tromped through the streets, Quinn ran up beside him. 'Can you sing? If you do can you sing my version of the Little Einsteins theme song with me?'

'What?' Rick felt puzzled, what did she mean by her version of the Little Einsteins theme song?

'Oh you can't sing? That's a pity, but it's okay! I'll sing it for you! I came up with it in five minutes about a minute ago!' Quinn smiled up at him sweetly.

'Blee-yuk! Are you actually flirting with him Queenie? That's disgusting! He's probably a thousand years older than you.'

'It don't matter. He's cute.' Quinn whispered, leaning towards Harley conspiratively.

She began to hum, before breaking into song. 'We're going on a trip without our wrecked up plane Zooming through the streets! Suicide squad! Climb on Rick! Get ready to get bored! Zooming through the streets! Suicide Squad! Yeah!'

Rick blinked.

'Get ready to get bored?'

'Yup! This is pretty boring. We're just walking, a little bit of talking but that's ARGH!'

Quinn let out a shriek as she turned around, pulling a knife out of Rick's belt as she did. She threw it forward with terrifyingly accurate aim, the sharp point slicing straight through one of Digger Harkness' infamous boomerangs. Faster than anyone could blink, Katana had him pinned to a wall.

'Him!' Katana shouted, pointing at Slipknot, who was scaling a wall in hopes of getting away. Rick switched on a strange looking device, not in a hurry at all.

Quinn peered at it, it had all of their faces displayed on it. As she watched, Rick tapped on Slipknot's picture.

And then there was a spray of blood just like fireworks and Slipknot dropped, dangling like a puppet on strings. But if you didn't know him from before, you would never recognize him. Do you know why?

His head was blown off.

'Now that's a killer app.' Harley stated, looking a little scared.

Quinn's hands were rubbing the bump in her neck, she wasn't shocked, she knew it would happen, she was just surprised that Rick, who was someone so sane and so normal, would do it without a second thought.

Crikey it kinda made him even hotter.

'Any of you gonna be next? You Bommerang? What about you Harley? You and Quinn gonna die together as sisters trying to escape? What-'

'If I'm escaping with Harley I'll bring Waylon too. He's my brother.' Quinn cut in, looking at Rick nonchalantly.

'What? Just sayi- CANT BREATHE! LET GO!' She exclaimed as Waylon gave her a tight hug.

Rick scowled before turning to Deadshot. 'You going to be next?'

Floyd gawked for a second before pointing at Rick. 'He just threatened me! I'm gonna kill him.' He gave Rick a glare before storming off.

They advanced forward through the streets before stopping at the sight of figures moving.

'Task Force X stay behind. We'll check it out.'

The men ran forward, murmuring amongst themselves. Quinn felt bored, all they were doing was let the military take charge.

'I have an idea! I want to play!' Quinn cheered suddenly, looking at the others with excitement.

Without waiting for a response, she tossed her weapon bag to Harley and shifted into a cat, feeling the familiar feeling of her clothes sucking into her body. The others stared at her in surprise, but Harley simply leant down to stroke Quinn's fluffy cat head.

Quinn meowed before prancing over to Rick, jumping onto his chest and rubbing his chin with her nose.

'What the?' He muttered confused to see a cat rubbing itself against him.

He picked up the cat, he loved animals and was relieved to see that one had survived the massacre.

'Circle round. Avoid them.' He whispered, still holding the cat.

He walked back over to Task Force X, noticing that Deadshot and Quinn were missing, he looked back in alarm, relieved to see Deadshot looking at the creatures.

But where was Quinn? And why was Harley holding her weapons bag?

'I bet your enjoying this aren't you?' Harley said, looking at the cat.

Rick groaned, she was talking to cats now? 'Yeah I bet she is.' Digger added in, reaching out to prod the cat with a boomerang.

'Oi don't do that!' Harley snapped, slapping the Digger's hand away. Suddenly, screams echoed from behind them. Rick turned around to see a horrible sight.

His team was getting attacked by the creatures.

He charged, Task Force X behind him, the cat jumped out of his arms and it ran towards the creatures.

Instead of it turning into a alleyway, it ran straight at the creatures and began to grow, the fluffy fur growing sleek.

A panther. A fucking black panther.

But there was no time to ponder how the fuck that had happened.

Quinn was having the time of her life. She slashed the icky creatures into pieces with her claws, biting occasionally. Until Rick got his dumb ass dragged off.

'Good riddance.' Harley said, smiling as she watched him struggle. 'Harley if he dies, we die!' Floyd yelled, as he took down yet another monster.

Harley pouted before reluctantly jumping forward, smashing her bat onto one of the creatures. She turned to kill the others but they were already dead.

Quinn had murdered them all. They ran out of the alley, ready to fight, only to see Floyd shooting down the creatures.

He looked over to them once they were all dead, panting heavily before he stormed towards one of the bodies.

As Rick dealt with a call from Amanda, the others scavenged. Quinn had changed back into human form and she had her weapons bag slung over her shoulders.

She was rummaging through the bodies, looking for a belt she could attach her weapons to. It was tiring carrying a bag around.

'Quinn behind you!' Harley screamed.

Quinn turned around and let out a scream. One of the creatures had somehow survived!

It was holding a strange ancient looking miniature statue in its hands. Rick turned upon hearing Quinn's scream. His eyes zeroed in on the object in the monsters hands.

'No!' He shouted, hand outstretched.

But it was too late.

The monster broke the figurine in half and the spirit undid zapped right into Quinn. She let out a cry as she fell back onto the ground, twitching inn pain as she struggled to reject the spirit.

Hehe. Did any of you see that coming?

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