Chapter 7

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It was a quiet walk back. The sisters walked together, hands linked together loosely. Harley was battling the voices in her head.

'Your fault you stupid bitch!'

'If you didn't ask Mistah J to get us he would still be alive!'

'You took away Quinn's father!'

The voices screamed, echoing around in her head. Subconsciously, she gripped Quinn's hand tighter and tighter.

'Ouch! Harley you're hurting me!' Quinn cried, bringing her left hand, already mangled from their fall to her chest.


'Its okay.'

Are you alright Quinn?

Quinn nearly jumped, this voice was different. It was new, she had never heard it before.

Relax, I'm Anuka. You are my host remember?

Oh I remember you! You forced your way down my throat! Just asking, why did you tell Rick about my crush on him? (A/N I THINK I GOT A CRUSH! I THINK I'VE GOT A LITTLE CRUSH ON YOUUUU I HOPE ITS NOT TOO MUCH)

You like him do you not? Besides my mother's ... Never mind we're here!

Quinn looked up to see they were outside the building they had entered earlier on. Harley wasted no time, she climbed on a car, letting the tears stream down her face.

Quinn watched as Harley grabbed her necklace and pulled it off her neck, the one Mr J and her had gotten free of charge for her to celebrate Harley's first year of being Harley Quinn.

'Don't worry Quinn, shoot him if you wanna after he's done! I won't punish you.' Mr J cackled, proud of how well he had taught Quinn.

Quinn held the gun steady as the man made the necklace. 'You should be grateful. Your making this for the Queen of Gotham.' She said, her voice holding a worshipful tone.

The man nodded, his lip quivering as though he were about to cry. 'Don't cry, I'll make it fast.' She said, reaching out to pat his head.

He shied away from her touch, Quinn sighed. Oh dearie, he hurt her feelings, it was time for him to die.

She snatched the necklace, seeing that it was finished. She shot close to his heart, not enough to kill him, but enough to make sure he had no chance of surviving. 'Have fun bleeding out!' She sang, flipping her hair casually.

 'Have fun bleeding out!' She sang, flipping her hair casually

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Nothing more satisfying than a good kill.

Quinn snapped back to the present, just as Rick and the rest walked out. 'Hi guys! We missed ya so much we came back!' She said, wiping her tears away.

There was no point in crying anymore, gone was gone. Dead was dead. Alive was alive. Sex was sex. Daddy's dead was Daddy's dead. Everything was-

'Quinn.' Rick rested his hand on her shoulder. She was shivering violently and he was worried.

'Are you cold?'

As soon as Rick asked this question, Quinn realized, she was indeed quite cold. She nodded her head, not wanting to open her mouth and end up crying.

'Don't freak out.' She murmured before changing into a cat and jumping onto him, soaking in his warmth.

Rick patted her and set off, the rest following behind him. Quinn nuzzled into him, small tears rolling down her furry cheeks.

Rick looked down at her in her cat form, a small defenseless looking kitten crying salty tears.

And then he smiled, smiled because he realized that this nineteen year old madwoman, had her weaknesses, and that made him smile because she was so imperfectly perfect.


The loud sound reverberated through the streets. Quinn jumped out of his arms with a surprised yowl, landing on the floor as she changed back.

'You tell everyone! Or I will!' Floyd snarled angrily.

Rick sighed before explaining. As Quinn listened she scowled, it was quite obvious Rick cared for the witch bitch.

'Go ahead and kill me Flag boy, but I'm gonna get a drink.' Quinn snapped turning around and walking into the pub, the rest following.

He gave you false hope! Aren't you going to kill him?

No, we should hire someone to kill him instead.

How bout we get Harley to torture him then we kill him!

No. You don't have to do anything. I foresee their futures entwining.

Shut up newbie! We were here first! So she'll listen to us!

The voices screamed while Anuka calmly talked back. Quinn slammed shot glasses on the table and immediately, the voices fell silent.

She sighed in relief, she loved the voices, they were her friends, but for now, she needed quiet time.

'What do y'all want?' She asked, grabbing random drinks out and serving them as they wanted.

'What do y'all want?' She asked, grabbing random drinks out and serving them as they wanted

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She drank hers immediately, relishing in the burn of it.

So it's nearly the end of Suicide Squad, but chill, the story extends to after it. Also would you all prefer a sequel or should I just continue here?

QOTD: Who's your favorite Suicide Squad member? Mine's Harley Quinn.

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