Chapter 2

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The guards burst into Killer Croc's cell, ready to take him out for Task Force X, they had risen the level of the floor in the pool so he would not have an advantage against them.

Under the surface, Waylon and Quinn waited, as the guards tromped towards them slowly. Then, with a battle cry, Quinn leaped out of the water, changing into human form as she went, she drop kicked the first guard in the face, grabbing his gun, she ran to the exit, ignoring the commands for her to stop.

She felt a flutter of glee in her chest, she was free! She was escaping! Albeit a little bit unfashionably, she was dressed in Waylon's old clothes with she had ripped and tied to be as tight as possible.

Pain flared in her neck and she let out a shriek of surprise as she fell forward. She reached back, pulling the dratted thing that had hit her out.

It was a tranquilizer dart.

'Oh dear.' She murmured before her eyes fluttered shut as the drugs overtook her.

The guards wasted no time, quickly they flipped her over, pushing her dark hair aside to reveal her face.

'The hell? She's supposed to be dead!' The soldiers muttered.

'Colonel Flag sir? We have an issue.' Griggs spoke into his comm.

'What is it?'

'Quinn Quinzel is alive.' Griggs informed him, anxiously looking at Quinn.

'WHAT?' Griggs winced at Rick's loud exclamation.

'Never mind, take her as well.' Rick muttered.

There wasn't much they could do to restrain her as they were quite unprepared for her, they resorted to tying her hands and legs with their belts as they were only there for ornamental purpose.

They rushed off after they strapped Waylon to the cart, if she woke up restrained by mere belts she could easily break them off and kill them all.


Quinn was dreaming. In the drug induced sleep she was in she was dreaming, floating around and dreaming of her past.

'Shhh.' The Joker whispered, his blue eyes wilder than ever as he held the serum in his hand.

'Don't be scared Queenie! It'll be fun!' Harley whispered, her face pulled into a mask of childlike curiosity. She was excited to see how the serum would work on Quinn.

'Okay. I'm ready.' Quinn said, determination on her face, Harley quickly placed the leather in her mouth before stepping back.

Joker pushed the needle into her skin and pressed down on the plunger. She let out a gasp as the glowing liquid moved through her veins. She relaxed after a while, ready to get off the electroshock therapy table.

That's when the pain started.

She gasped, the burn spreading through her body as it began to adapt and change. She bit down on the leather, muffling her tortured screams.

'Just five minutes. No pain, no gain darling!'

Quinn spat the leather out if her mouth and began to laugh. She kind of enjoyed the pain, it was nice if she let it flow through her body instead of fighting it.

That was how Quinn Quinzel got her shape shifting powers.

Quinn awoke gasping. She looked down only to find she was strapped in a contraption similar to what they used in Arkham.

Similar to what they had used to bring her into Arkham.

She screamed, thrashing around violently. 'I won't go back to Arkham! I won't! I won't! Let me go!' She wailed.

'My daddy will kill all of you if you send me back to Arkham!' She threatened. Unfortunately for her, her threat wasn't the least bit terrifying with tear tracks staining her face.

She threw her head back, cackling loudly, 'I'll be there watching when he does.'

Rick felt a pang of pity for this poor insane girl. Sure, he hated villains but Quinn looked pitiful. She wasn't even twenty and Amanda had her on this suicide mission.

'The linking is complete sir' Mrs Harmon said, placing the nano-bomb inserter into his hands along with the control.

Quickly he injected the nano bomb into her, her screams fell silent.

'I don't like you.' She said, pouting.

He rolled his eyes. 'Whatever.'

It was time for Task Force X to start their mission.

Hi! So we're on the second chapter and I'm really excited. Vote, comment and follow! (I'm literally torn between Rick and Digger right now.)

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