Chapter 6

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Quinn was angry, very angry. She stormed up the stairs, taking three at a time. They could have escaped! She seethed.

It was like a volcano waiting to explode. She threw open the roof door, walking up to beside Daisy. 'Hi.' Daisy said, smiling at her. 'I'm sorry for my outburst earlier, I'm not usually like that. I'm Daisy, and you?'

'Quinn. Raving lunatic, dangerous and right now very pissed. Howdy do?' She asked.

'Digger suggested killing Amanda and Rick didn't he? And the plan failed yes?'

Quinn looked at her in surprise, 'How do you know?'

'We lived together as enemies, then as friends, then on a dating basis, then on a soon to be parents basis, I think I'd have to know him pretty well after going through all that.'

'Who caught him anyway? He's supposed to be un-catchable.'

'My brother.'

'Ooh awkward.' She said, dragging out the last syllable.

The door slammed open, Digger came rushing out, pulling Daisy away and walking to behind a wall, whispering to her frantically. Alarm filled her features before they turned round the corner.

Amanda walked up to Quinn, 'Where is Daisy and Digger?'

'They're talkin so you might wanna leave alone.' Just then, a chopper pulled in, but there was something wrong. The sharp scent of gunpowder filled their noses.

Mr J.

All of them scattered, hiding behind walls as the chopper fired at them, pelting bullets everywhere.

Harley and Quinn squeezed each other's hands, smiling at each other. They were going to be free!

'Now.' Came the text from the Joker. Immediately, Quinn changed into a tiger, expertly dodging the bullets, Harley following close behind her.

She leapt forward, changing into a human again, with the addition of a pair of zebra dove wings on her back, flying expertly up to where her Daddy was standing.

'Daddy!' She screamed with delight, jumping into his open arms. Then she saw the terrifying sight of Floyd aiming his gun at Harley.

'No!' She shouted, she made a move to jump down but Mr J held her back. 'Don't worry.' He smiled.

She forced herself to remain calm as she saw Floyd's finger pull the trigger. When Harley flopped down, she let out a sigh of relief. She wasn't dead from the way she was hanging downwards.

Her muscles in her legs were extra taught as she was holding herself up by the rope with her legs only.

She giggled as Harley swung up, waving at them before she successfully climbed up. The family embraced each other, they were reunited at long last.

But not for long.

Bullets shot at them from below, causing the chopper to catch fire. 'Looks like we're gonna have to jump!' Mr J sang.

'Let's do it.' The family leaped forward, only for the chopper to tumble nose down.

Quinn let out a scream as she toppled over the edge, Harley following suit. She changed into a harpy like she had just now. She screamed as she snapped her wings open, the wind pushing against them, threatening to break her bones. She grabbed Harley by the armpits to slow both their falls.

She screamed again as they smacked into the gravel, she landed on her left arm, scratching the entire length of it.

There was no time to focus on the searing pain though. The sisters ran forward, watching the chopper fall to the ground with no hope of Mr J surviving.

'Puddin?' Harley whispered, her voice holding a tinge of hope as if he could possibly survive.

'Daddy. Daddy. Daddy's dead.' Quinn murmured, drawing in her wings tightly to her back as she fell to the floor and cried in pure agony.

Her adoptive father, who had taken her in when her real father didn't want her, was dead. 'I'm going to kill Amanda.' She whispered to herself, the bitter promise winding itself around her heart.

'Let's go Har.' She said, mad determination flowing through her voice.

'But... But Puddin...'

'We'll kill Waller for this.' She said, head held high.

Harley let out a mad cackle, 'You're right. Let's go.'

So the sisters left the building, the promise of vengeance deep in their twisted and cruel hearts.

Hey double update!

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