12K?? + Bonus

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Oh my god. Holy cow. We. I cannot. I think my brain has malfunctioned. How did I even get 12K reads? I'm so happy for all my readers and I love all of you. So as a celebration I'm writing bonus parts.



Ashe's mother stroked her hair, planting a little kiss on her head. "Have a lovely day at school my darling."

"Okay mommy!" The minute her mother closed the door, Ashe bolted to the bakery, there was a special promotion and she was going to buy those god damn cookies that she'd been craving.

She arrived just in time to snatch the last pack.


She sat her school bag down on the table, carefully placing the cookies inside. She was unaware of Quinn's eyes of her, or more accurately, on her cookies.

She went to bathroom to wash the sweat off her face and that was when her cookies disappeared.


She opened her bag at lunch only to find her cookies gone. She was horrified, those were limited edition and she had been saving up!

She heard someone sucking in a sharp nervous breath from the back of the classroom. She stalked to the back quickly, only to find Quinn, eating her cookies!

She clenched her fists, "I have been saving up for those! How dare you?"

"I'm sorry! But they looked so good and I really wanted them! And my momma she lost her job! So she couldn't get them for me! And my papa moved away with his new wife and I-"

"Well guess what?" She snarled, cocking her head to the side. "I saved up for those! And guess another thing!"

"Wha... What?"

"I hope... No I promise actually, that you and your mama will die in a fire." It was spontaneous, the minute those words left her mouth, Quinn caught on fire. He screamed, in pure pain, and then she laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

She was still laughing when she was thrown into the cell in Arkham.


"You know Harleen?" She started, "Yes sweetie?" Her big sister replied. "I want you to call me Quinn, because I set Quinn on fire you know? And also because I deserve to be a queen."

"Alright then Quinn."


"Harleyy..." Quinn sang. "I know you promised the boy you like a machine gun! And in return he promised my freedom!" She giggled. "Oh Queenie how did you find out?"

"A little bird told me." She whistled and moved her hands in a way that looked like a bird.

"But anyway," she cooed, "I want a gun too. And I want a lighter and some gasoline."


"HELL YES!" She shot the guard who brought her into Arkham. "Die bitches!"

She ran outside just as she finished shooting the doctor who first treated her.

"Harleen! Do you have the gasoline and lighter you promised me?" She asked her sister who sat in the back of The Joker's van. 

"Yes she does." A voice came from behind Quinn. "Now, we have a house to set on fire?"

Quinn didn't question how he knew, instead she simply nodded.


She flicked the gasoline on Quinn's mother. She awoke with a cry, before gasping when she saw Quinn. "You murdered my boy." She lunged but as she did so, Quinn lighted the lighter.

She caught on fire with a terrible scream.

Then as she burned, Quinn jumped out the window. She smiled, turning her head to the sky, "I love you Quinn, that's why I'm giving ya company." She chuckled.

She hopped into the car, "Hey Mistah J? Can we go to the bakery near my old house? I'm craving some cookies."

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