Chapter 1

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"Rylie! Get your lazy butt up before I come up there and get you myself!" Mum yelled. I groaned and force myself up. I hate Monday, I mean who doesn't right? I went to my bathroom and got ready for school. I quickly went down as I heard Abby's car honking.

I grab an apple and yelled 'Bye mum! Love you' before she could reply I shut the door and ran to Abby's car.

"Sap girlie" Abby said while giving me her best smirk.

I rolled my eyes and ate my apple. You see Abby and I; we are complete opposite. She is the loud, carefree and social person. While I am the nerd, the quiet one and the rational one between the two of us. I don't talk much around people but with Abby, I am different. She had always told me that I should talk to people but being the stubborn girl that I am, I just ignore her. School was in sight as Abby enter the school gate. We got out from her car and I went straight to my locker,

"smell ya later, girlfriend." She said and we parted ways.

I shook my head and smile to myself because the way Abby talk. She never fails to bring out my smile and that's why we had been friends since forever. I close my locker and went to class.

"Hey pretty" someone tap my shoulder.

I sighed knowing who that person was. I ignore him and continue taking out my books.

"Come on Ry. Are you seriously ignoring me?" He asked again and his stupid friends were chuckling behind me.

"Stupid boy" I mumble and continue on ignoring him.

You see, I am a nerd but I am not those typical nerds. I care about my grades and I guess that makes me a nerd but people don't bully me or ignore me. Instead, people notice me and boys would flirt with me but I do my best to ignore them as they will waste my precious time. This is why I don't talk much around other people. The bell rang and I quickly went outside as I know those stupid jocks would come running to me.

"Ting..ting.." My phone rang. It was a message from Abby.

"Babe, I'll see you at lunch. Xoxo"

"Okay. See you Abs"

I quickly went to my next class as the bell was about to rang. Since I didn't have any class with Abby in the morning, I'll just have to see her during lunch break.

~lunch break

"Hey girlfriend!" Abby yelled from across the table. Everyone's attention was on me. Damnit Abby! Tone down the voice stupid.

I quickly went to the counter and pay for my food. As I pass the popular table, stupid Josh was calling out for me, yes, the stupid jock who always flirt with me, Josh Burn. "Heyyyy pretty" I rolled my eyes and started to walk away from him.

I felt an arm around my waist and I quickly turn around to see Josh with his stupid 'famous' smirk on.

"Josh" I said with a warning tone.

"Beth, get your stupid boyfriend off me." I look at Bethany the head cheerleader a.k.a Queen B.

She rolled her eyes and said "Josh babe, leave the nerd alone"

"come on Beth, she is not a nerd ok. Look how hot she is"

Bethany sighed and gave me a look that literally say "see what I mean."

"Josh Fucking Burn! Let her go! I'm waiting to dead here!" Abby yelled from our usual table.

Everyone was staring at us and Josh let go. "Stupid" everyone from his table said. "Bye babe" he said. I quickly walk to our table.

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