Chapter One

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I wake up one slightly cold morning. In a shared two-bedroom quarters, I shared one bed with my mother, while my sister had her own bed.

I often feel safe that my whole family is in the same room as me. But I wonder if Katniss feels safe too. Sometimes, she wakes up screaming or gasping for breath from a nightmare.

Lately, Katniss has been getting nightmares. Ever since she won the 74th Hunger Games, I can hear her screaming or just breathing heavily. She won the first Hunger Games, and then she was forced to participate in the Third Quarter Quell.

The problem was, they never finished the 75th Hunger Games, they blew up something. The arena, or the forcefield around it, and the screen went black. That's all I could remember before the bombing started.

As I lay in bed, slowly waking up. I shuddered at the memory. Starting when Gale knocked at the door.

"Gale?" My mom opened the door, "What's going on?"

Katniss's closest friend and hunting partner Gale Hawthorne, was breathing heavily. He looked worried. "You have to come with me." he panted, "something's wrong. All the Peacekeepers have left, and something doesn't feel right."

My mom nodded slowly and turned to looked at me. "Prim, leave everything, we have to go. Now!"

Before I could ask, my mom grabbed my hand and followed Gale to the edge of the District boundary. When I saw the electrical fence, I shivered.

"It's okay." Assured Gale, "There isn't any electricity. Just get under it now!"

When I went under the fence, I saw several more people out in the forests, looking terrified. 

"Stay here, and be safe." Ordered Gale. And he crawled under the fence towards another neighbourhood.

As I braided my hair, looking at Katniss's empty bed. I remember shivering with cold and fright, waiting for Gale to return. It wasn't until he herded us into the forest when I realized what was happening.

"Bombers." I heard Gale whisper.

"Everyone! To the forest, now!" He ordered. Gale and his friends herded us into the shlelter of the trees. I saw just a glimpse of Capitol air crafts. Followed by a loud explosion.

The explosions lasted for a long time, then it stopped. 

"Is everyone here?" Asked my mother.

Gale didn't answer. He just stared into space. Then he said, "No."


I jumped at the sound of my name. 

My mother stood in the doorway. "Katniss has agreed to become the Mockingjay."

I sighed with relief. Just last night, when Katniss had another nightmare, she had confessed to me her hatred towards the Capitol and her long-time worries. What happens if we win the war, what happens to Peeta, everything. 

Well since everyone would do anything for freedom against the Capitol, why not take advantage of it? 

"I don't think you realize how important you are to them." I had told her softly, "If you want something, all you have to do is just ask. You could demand almost anything, and they'd have to agree to it."

After saying this, I had looked at her. She was processing the thought in her brain. 

Then she had smiled, "I should wake you more often little duck." It had been one of the very few smiles she gave out. 

"President Coin as called a meeting." Said my mother, bringing me back to the present, "She wants us now."

I followed my mother out of the sleeping quarters, and out into the gathering place. Coin stood on a balcony up top, while the rest of us looked up from below.

Katniss joined us. Lately, she's been very quiet. But she jammed her hands into her pockets and listened while she stood next to me.

As Coin apologized for the delay in schedule, Katniss whispered to me, "I hardly see any children around here."

I had said the same thing to my mom earlier, so I answered the same reply my mom had said to me, "A lot of them were lost in an epidemic a few years ago. Coin lost her family too. A daughter and a husband."

Katniss looked a bit guilty asking the question, but her focused her gaze on Coin, when her name was mentioned.

"Katniss Everdeen has consented to be the face of our cause."

A few people stared at Katniss. But it felt like they were staring at me too.

"And to help unite the Districts against the Capitol. In exchange, I have promised several concessions."

Inside, I smiled. Katniss took my advice.

"First, we'll assess all opportunities for the extraction of the Victors held hostage in the Capitol. Peeta Mellark..."

Outbursts filled the air. Peeta was not a well-liked person at the moment. It was because he wanted to end the civil war. Making himself sound like a traitor.

"...Johanna Mason, and Annie Cresta. Once freed, they'll be granted full pardon for any and all crimes committed against the rebels."

More outbursts from the crowd came out. Katniss has made a risky bargain.

"If Katniss fails to fulfill her duties, the deal will be off." Concluded Coin, glaring at Katniss.

When she dismissed us, Coin left, and people began doing their normal routines again.

The first thing I did, was go back to my sleeping quarters. Since I am training to become a doctor, I needed to study District 13's medicines, along with some of the things I already knew from District 12. 


My cat Buttercup jumped into my lap. He was a large, orange, and furry cat. When Katniss visited the ruins of District 12, she brought back a few tings from home. Which included Buttercup. I always thought it was funny, I knew Katniss didn't like him. And I heard her give threats to cook him!

I tried to look at the lists of medicines and drugs, but I couldn't help thinking what was going to happen. If we did win the war, what will happen? Will we go back to our normal lives again? 

If we lost, the answer was obvious. We'll die.

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