Chapter Twelve

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"From now on, two victors from the same District may win. May the Odds be Ever In Your Favor."

Those words echoed in my ears. 

Seriously? I'm back in the Games?

"Did you hear that Clove?" Someone said, "we can go home. Together.

A massive boy, above six feet, and all muscle. Whoever I am, this time, he must be my District Partner or something.

"I heard," I said, my voice sounded deeper, and a bit husky. But obviously sounded dangerous and tough. "but we have to get rid of Lover Boy, I can't believe that he isn't dead yet. And of course, the Fire Bitch-"

Oh my god, did I just swear? How could I say that so easily?

The large boy laughed, "Don't worry, Clover. Once she meets my sword, it'll be the end before we know it. As for Lover Boy, well, let's hope he is just suffering."

Then, another announcement occurred:

"Attention Tributes, attention. There will be a feast, held tomorrow at the Cornucopia. There will be something all of you.... desperately need."

"What do we need?" I asked the monstrous boy.

He shrugged, "Food. I dunno. If that asshole from District 3 didn't blow up our stuff, we would be perfectly fine right now!"

Ugh, I don't like it how these two people swear. 

"Who's going to the feast?" The boy asks.

"I'll go," I say, "I would like to have the pleasure of killing the Fire Bitch by myself. And I promise you, Cato, if I do run into her, I'll give the audience a good show."

"You do that." Grunted Cato. "Go on, and come back with the stuff we need."

As I made my way through the forest, I opened up my vest revealing a dozen knives of different sizes. Throwing knives.

I know just the one to use. My Clove mind seemed to say.

By the time the Cornucopia was in sight, I hid in a large shrub. There was a girl with red hair just running towards the large structure. She grabbed her pack and ran off. 

Damn. She's good. My thoughts said. 

I took the chance to run to the Cornucopia, at the same time, I saw Katniss running too. Both of us would've reached towards the pack at the same time if I didn't fire first.

I grabbed a knife and threw it. And grazed Katniss's forehead, but she recovered quickly and shot and arrow at me. 

I swerved a bit, and it narrowly missed my heart, but it pierced my arm. Hissing with pain, I grabbed another knife, but I was too close in range, so I jumped on Katniss.

We wrestled, I never thought Katniss was so strong. I never wrestled her before. Now I'll never will. But Clove was strong, she pinned Katniss to the ground quickly. Grabbing her arm with one arm and her other arm with her foot.

"Where's Lover Boy?" I taunted, "Oh I see, you're gonna help him right? Well, that's sweet."

Honestly, I've never been so mean in my entire life. And I will never plan to be.

Katniss struggled, but my grip was so strong that she was like a poor suffering animal from one of her hunting snares.

"You know, it's too bad you couldn't help your little friend. That little girl. What was her name again? Rue?" I continued. I never thought Clove would be this cruel.

Katniss's face flushed with anger and continued thrashing.

I smirked, Clove must love taunting people for a living

"Well, we killed her." I snapped, " And now we're gonna kill you."

I pulled out a knife, and prepared to stab her. That was when I was lifted off the ground.

Suddenly, I found myself pressed against the Cornucopia facing a monstrous boy. But it wasn't Cato. It was someone else.

"You killed her?" He demanded. 

"No! I screamed, "Cato! Cato!"

 "You said her name!" Yelled the boy.

With rage and anger, he slammed me against the Cornucopia. Once, my head ached, second, I saw stars. Third, a sickening crack echoed and everything went black.

"Hey. Hey!" Said a voice.

Groaning, I rubbed my head. This was the worse dream yet. But there was no lump, or any sign of a dent.

I opened my eyes and saw a pair of brown eyes.

"Katniss?" I murmured.

"Nope." Said the girl.

Sitting up, I knew it wasn't Katniss. For one thing, she was shorter than Katniss but not much taller than I was. Her hair was up in a high ponytail, Katniss wouldn't have her hair up like that, not in a million years. The girl's high ponytail had an interesting feature, three balls coming down her head. The balls were clumps of hair. 

"Are you Clove?" I asked.

"Finally, she guessed correctly." She says.

I stood up. "What are you doing here?"

Clove didn't answer, instead, she examined me up and down. "I can't believe you are her sister." 

"You Katniss's?" I asked.

Clove scowled, "No, I mean President Coin, who do you think I'm talking about?"

I flinched, and she looked away. "Sorry," she mumbled.

"Do you know why I'm dreaming about the Hunger Games?" I asked her finally.

Clove shrugged. "Do you know why there is going to be a second revolution?" 

"D-do you like seeing the war?" I asked quietly, "I mean, you like violence and all, right?"

"Of course not!" Snapped Clove, "just because I am a Career Tribute doesn't mean that I like seeing my home District being blown to bits by the Capitol!"

More gently, she added, "As much as I don't mind the games, I don't like seeing all these deaths for unfair and unnecessary reasons. And I want to see this all end."

Then she scoffed, she reminded me of Johanna. "Of course, it'll never end now and we'll all die because of F- Katniss's weakness."

"She's not weak!" I blurted out, "you don't know how much she's going through!"

Clove's gaze faltered a bit, but she blinked it away. "Of course I do." She hissed, "but that doesn't matter. You have to become the Mockingjay! It's the only way to end this war without us going extinct!"

I took a step back, "N-no. I can't. I heal people, I can't kill people."

"Who says you had to kill people?" snorted Clove, "you just have to be inspirational to the people of Panem. And I think you may be the one. Unless you want to die." She added.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the world started spinning again. 

"Just remember," Clove's voice echoed in my sub-concious world, "one choice, can change the future of this world."

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