Chapter Nine

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Katniss joined me at breakfast this morning. She looked pleasant when she greeted me with a smile.

"Hey, Prim," she says, sitting down, "can you believe it? I can sleep with you and mom again tonight!"

I forced myself to smile, I still haven't decided if I should tell Katniss about my dreams. She tells me hers. 

"That's great!" I exclaimed. I can tell her another time. 

Coin approached our table, "Katniss, I want to talk to you. After breakfast, meet me in Command."

Katniss nodded coldly. "I'll be there."

When Coin left, Katniss sighed. "I'm going to tell her."

I looked up stupidly at her, "Tell her what?"

"I'm going to tell President Coin that I am not going to be the Mockingjay anymore." Growled Katniss coldly.

I have been so distracted by my crazed dreams, that I have forgotten that Katniss wants nothing to do with being the Mockingjay anymore. 

"Are you sure you would like to tell her this?" I asked, "you don't even know what Coin could do to you!"

Katniss gave me a sly smile, "I have a plan little duck. And you're going to help me!"

I coughed on my water with surprise. 

"W-what?" I exclaimed.

Katniss nodded. "You are coming with me after breakfast with the meeting with Coin. You are going to tell her that I'm in no condition to go out again."

I looked at her, "You know that's never going to work."

Katniss gave me a weak smile, "What are they going to do? Kill me?"


After breakfast, Katniss and I went up to the command where President Coin, Plutarch, and Beetee were sitting around a large table talking.

"Ah, Katniss," said Coin, looking up, "so glad you've come. I see your sister is here, is something wrong?"

Katniss looked at me. I shuffled my feet.

"Well?" Coin demanded.

"Um, uh." I stammered, "Katniss, can't go out for a while."

Plutarch looked surprised, "Why not?"

"Because..." I can't do this, I've hardly lie before in my life. Let alone to three stern-looking adults!

"She's still in critical condition." I said finally, "and the trauma she had suffered could kill her if she goes out again."

Coin's eyes flashed suspiciously at me. "Is this true?" She demanded.

"In other words, she afraid." Said Beetee. "And I suppose that if I were in her place, I wouldn't blame her.

I nodded to Coin's question, "it's true."

But Coin stood up, "Just to make sure, I'll ask Nurse Patten."

I stiffened, If Nurse Patten found out, I'll be in huge trouble. And I might lose my promotion!

Katniss saw me. There was a look of concern on her face. 


Coin turned around, "Well, what is it?" She asked impatiently.

Katniss hesitated for a moment, making Coin raise an eyebrow.

"The truth is. I'm perfectly fine."

"Then, what was Prim talking about?" Asked Plutarch.

Katniss kept quiet for a while. I held her hand.

"I asked Prim to be untruthful about my health because... I don't want to be the Mockingjay anymore." She confessed.

Everyone stared at her. 

Coin looked shocked. Beetee looked up at her, and Plutarch scratched his head in confusion. 

"Katniss," began Coin, "we had an agreement. If we free the Victors and pardon their rebellion crimes, then you would have to be the face of our cause and become the Mockingjay. Have you forgotten?"

Katniss shook her head, "Of course I haven't forgotten. But that was before everything happened. That was before all hell broke loose."

Coin went back to the table, and sat back down again, "Hell has already broken loose. Since you won your first games. You have to understand that."

Katniss shook her head, "I didn't want anything of this to happen. You heard what I told Snow. All I wanted was to save Prim." She gripped my hand tighter.

"Maybe Prim is right," interupted Plutarch, "maybe Katniss isn't feeling well. If she was, she would be planning with you Madem President."

Coin considered this. She studied Katniss, then me.

"Very well." She conceded, "perhaps another day or two would do her good. But no more. I want to continue the cause as soon as possible."

"Thank you." Said Katniss. She then turned around, and walked away.

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