Chapter Ten

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"I can't believe that plan still worked!" I exclaimed to Katniss on our way to our living quarters from Command.

Katniss made a small laugh," Yeah, so do I."

"Why did you tell the truth, though?" I asked. 

What little amusement Katniss had, died away. "I know if Coin asked Nurse Patten for the truth, you would suffer the consequences. And I knew how much this doctor training meant to you. So, to make things safe, I fessed up."

I touched her arm comfortably, "Well thank you. I really appreciate that."

When we passed the medical center, Nurse Patten stopped us. 

"There  you are, Primrose! I've been looking all over for you! Have you forgotten that you were supposed to help Doctor Bane with... the patient."

'The patient' was Peeta Mellark. Nobody but the doctors, Coin, Plutarch and Beetee knew about his condition. Katniss can't know about him yet.

"I'm so sorry Nurse Patten. I had to check on Katniss." I said.

Nurse Patten looked up at Katniss, "I see you're doing better. How's your voice?"

"Better," replied Katniss, "Prim has been a great healer for me." She smiled at me.

Nurse Patten seemed to relax hearing that, "I'm so glad to hear. Now come on Prim, we have work to do."

Saying goodbye to Katniss, I followed Nurse Patten to the emergency room.

"How is he doing?" I asked.

Nurse Patten sighed, "Improving. We only had to sedate him a couple times. But he cannot be seen by Katniss yet. He needs to have better behavior with us before any visitors can see him."

I nodded. "Is there anything I can still do?"

"You can ask Doctor Bane." Replied Nurse Patten, "he is in the lab room studying the Tracker Jacker venom."

Tracker Jacker venom. Those words brought me back to the dream I had the night before. Glimmer, and her warning, or threat or whatever she was telling me.

"Well, Primrose? Did you hear me?"

Nurse Patten's voice snapped me back to reality.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Her mentor sighed, "You've been doing this a lot Prim, losing yourself in thoughts. Is there something wrong?"

Yes. I'm having crazy dreams, and Katniss doesn't want to be the Mockingjay anymore, what can I do? 

"I'm fine." I said, "I better see how Doctor Bane is doing."

Leaving Nurse Patten with a suspicious frown on her face, I hurried down the corridor to the lab testing room.

"Greetings, Prim." Said Doctor Bane when I went into the lab room. "I just finished testing the blood from the patient. It's traces of Tracker Jacker venom, and we're trying to find a way to clean it out of his system without bleeding him to death."

I wondered how the venom was injected into Peeta if he didn't have any signs of any stings. Now that I know what they look like now thanks to the dream.

"Prim, did you hear me?"

I jumped. What is wrong with me? 

"I'm so sorry Doctor! It was something about the Tracker Jacker venom right?"

Doctor Bane sighed, but it wasn't the stressed out kind Nurse Patten makes, it was a sympathetic sigh. 

"Nurse Patten told me this has been happening. Did you get any sleep last night?"

Of course, I did, but I suffered from a weird dream, so not really.

"No.," I mumbled.

Doctor Bane gave me a kind smile, "Go get some rest. Don't worry about Nurse Patten, I'll let her know. Hope you feel better this afternoon."

I left the Medical Center, Nurse Patten gave me a weird look, but Doctor Bane pulled her aside and told her what happened. I didn't see the improved look on her face because I went up to my sleeping quarters and flopped on Katniss's bed.


Buttercup jumped up besides me. 

"It's been a long morning Buttercup," I murmured. 

Sleep. Buttercup seemed to say. Let my purr be your lullaby. Just sleep.

My body seemed to heed his advice and I closed my eyes.


With a spear in my hand and a pack filled enough food for a day or two, I ran down the forest. For some reason, someone was caught in my trap.

Oh great, another stupid dream. Who am I this time?

I stopped, a girl who looked like she was twelve, my age when I was reaped for the Hunger Games, was caught in a net and was thrashing like a helpless animal.

Oh no, oh no! I gotta help her! 

But I couldn't, the person's body I was in did nothing. Then, he lifted his arm and took aim....

I'm not going to... NO NO NO

Too late, the person threw the spear, and it buried into the young girl's abdomen. That was when I saw Katniss.

Katniss saw me, but her eyes were filled with hatred as she shot an arrow at me. The arrow plunged into my heart and I fell to the ground. The world went black.

When I opened my eyes again, a boy stood over me. 

"Well get up Sleeping Beauty, you only have so much time."

"Who are you?" I mumbled, getting up.

"I'm Marvel. Tribute of District 1 in the 74th Hunger Game. Also the most Marvelous Tribute in the arena." Said the boy. What a show-off. Are all District 1 Tributes like this?

"Let me guess," I sighed, "you came to rant about hating my sister."

Marvel raised his eyes with surprise, "Wow, what are you? A mind-reader? Anyway, yeah. She was the one who killed me!"

I shuddered, "And I killed that poor girl. I never want to kill anyone again!"

"Wake up!" Snapped Marvel. More gently, he said, "you didn't kill her. I did."

"But it felt so real!" I wailed. 

Marvel looked uncomfortable, my guess was that he has never comforted a small child before in his life. Err Afterlife.

"Look, maybe you should wake up." He said awkwardly, "But remember this. More innocent children will die unless someone can be the Mockingjay. it's your decision."

He began to fade away, then I suddenly woke up.

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