Chapter Three

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Later in the day. I went down to the medical center to help my mom and the other doctors. Though I was the youngest in the medical team, I've been praised a lot for knowing a lot for my age. 

It wasn't until one of the nurses, Nurse Patten, came into the center. 

"President Coin has issued another meeting," she told us, "they have returned."

They meaning Katniss and her crew.

Katniss and Coin stood up on the balcony when my mom and I arrived. Katniss, in her usual position, with her hands in her pockets, looked around. Her face was indescribable. 

Once everyone had gathered, the lights dimmed and a video played.

Katniss stood, facing the camera, with fire blazing behind her. I knew something bad happened.

"I want the rebels to know that I'm alive. And that I am in District 8. Where the Capitol just bombed a hospital. Filled with unarmed men, women, and children. There will be no survivors." Her voice blared through the room. Cracking with anger.

My eyes widened. And I felt tears filling up in my eyes. I couldn't believe the Capitol would go so far as doing that.

"If you think for one second that the Capitol will ever treat us fairly, you are lying to yourselves! Because we know who they are and what they do. And this is what they do!" Katniss pointed to the large flames behind her, "And we must fight back!" 

I've never seen Katniss this anger before. It's almost scary.

"You can torture us, and bomb us, and burn our districts to the ground. But do you see that?" Again, she pointed to the flames of the once surviving hospital of District 8. "Fire is catching. And if we burn, you burn with us!"

The end of the film showed Katniss firing at two Capitol bombers. The two exploded and crashed down to the ground in flames. And the flames turning into the Mockingjay symbol.

Large cheers erupted in the crowd. I applauded too, not only to fight alongside my sister, and to bring down the Capitol, but to also avenge the deaths of the unarmed and innocent men, women, and children.

President Coin stepped up to the mic and waved her hands slowly for silence. "There is no progress without compromise. No victory without sacrifice. But I stand here with the Mockingjay to announce that our time has arrived!"

Big loud applause rang out. Some cheering as well. 

But President Coin wasn't finished. "Beetee has increased our use of the airwave tenfold. We will broadcast this message to all the Districts tonight. The Mockingjay's words inspiring everyone to join the rebellion. Together, we will become an alliance to be reckoned with."

As everyone cheered again, Coin raised her fist into the air, and everyone started yelling, "Hoo-Rah, Hoo-Rah, Hoo-Rah!"

I watched silently. Not joining in on the Hoo-Rahs. Though it was tempting.

I cast a glimpse of Katniss, her face as if she was in grief.

In the end, when everyone left to do their own thing again, Katniss left, towards her compartment.



I found Katniss looking out our living quarters window. A large forest was in view, and I could tell she missed the forest of District 12.

She looked up and gave me a weak smile. "Hi."

"You were really brave," I said quietly.

Katniss shifted a bit so I could sit down next to her. 

"You should've seen them," her voice was nearly a whisper. "Most were weak, wounded. Some just stayed there taking care the sick. And by the entrance, where the dead were covered with only a sheet."

I leaned against her, resting my head on her shoulders. "No places for a graveyard?"

"No." Said Katniss, "they were waiting until people were strong enough to carry them out so they can be buried."

I shuddered at the thought. Smelling rotting dead corpses with no place to bury them. At least in District 12 there were graveyards, or at least you could bury them.

"There were kids," continued Katniss, "many who were weak, starving, or sick. When they looked at me I-" She broke off.

I hugged her, "I understand." I whispered, "you did your best. You gave them hope, and that was what they needed."

Katniss didn't speak for a long time. Finally, she said. "I don't even know if I can take this anymore. Being the Mockingjay. I've seen too much, the Hunger Games, Quarter Quell, and now this. It's too much."

I gripped her tighter. I never heard my sister so keen on giving up. 

"You can't, you've earned everyone's confidence and hopes. You've gained President's Coin's faith in you. You can't back down now. If you do, things will get worse. And what little hope you've given us, will die with us."

Katniss finally looked at me. I think at one point, she was crying.

"Prim. You have given me hope."

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