Chapter Six

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President Coin issued a large meeting. Everyone was to attend.

"You don't have to come," says Nurse Patten to Katniss, "you can just stay here and rest. Prim can tell you what happened."

During the meeting, Coin sounded quite victorious announcing that the Victors were freed from the Capitol and everyone on the rescue mission was safe and sound.

Loud cheers erupted.

So many things have happened, all I could do was applaud and smile. But I was worried about Katniss. And what Peeta did to her.

"Today, we have rescued the Victors. Tomorrow... PANEM!"

Everyone cheered and clapped. The Hoo-Rahs came back. 

As Coin supported the victorious crowd, I slipped away and went back to the emergency room to join Katniss.


"Everyone was happy that the Victors are safe," I said.

Katniss stared at me. That's not  how they reacted when Coin said she'll rescue them. Her face seemed to say.

I touched Katniss's hand. "Coin is ready to concur Panem. She announced that as well. Everyone was happy to hear that too."

Katniss tried to speak, but all that came out was "A-a-a-aggh."

"Shh," I whispered, "don't try to talk. 

The door opened and Nurse Patten stepped in. "I'm going to take a look at Katniss's throat injury. You can go back to the medical center and help out there."

"Can I stay?" I asked.

Nurse Patten hesitated for a minute. Then she sighed, "I suppose you can. It'll be a good experience for when you have to do this." 

I watched as she gently took the neck brace off Katniss. I cringed at the sight of the bruise. It was black, blue and slightly purple in a vein-like pattern.

Nurse Patten tenderly touched Katniss on the throat and she flinched. "It's okay, I'm sorry." she soothed, "I know it's a bit sensitive."

She massaged the outside of Katniss's throat and touched gently on the sore spot.

"Now, let's try your voice now. I want you to try to talk. But take your time, there's still a lot of swelling in your vocal chords."

"Should she really-" I began.

Nurse Patten shushed me. "She must try. We all have our faith in her. She's brought us this far."

She turned back to Katniss, "My name is Katniss Everdeen. I'm from District 12."

I watched as Katniss swallowed. "My..."

Nurse Patten nodded encouragingly, "Take your time. You're doing great."

"My. Name. Is." Katniss paused, her voice sounded squeaky and high. "Katniss. Everdeen." 

To my surprise, she turned to Plutarch, "I." She cleared her throat, "want to talk. To him." There was a grim determination in her face as if she won't take no for an answer.

Plutarch smiled but shook his head. "He needs time." He says gently.

He looked at me, "You will look after her?" I nodded.

When Plutarch and Nurse Patten left, Katniss and I sat there alone. For a while, nobody spoke.

Finally, Katniss said, "I can't." 

I looked at her. "Can't what? And there's no need to rush. Just take your time." I should say at least something encouragingly, just like Nurse Patten did.

Katniss cleared her throat. Her voice cracked a bit, but it sounded almost normal. "I can't. Keep going on."

Less than a week ago, she was ready to give up. Now she can't give up again.

"You can't," I said gently, "look how much hope you've given us. To Boggs, Plutarch, Coin."

Katniss made a tiny shake and cleared her throat again. "That. Was different. That was before. Peeta. Before. All this."

I touched her shoulder gently, "You can't back out now. Remember what agreement you made to Coin. Your side of the deal may be finished, but her side isn't. Keep your promise to her."

Katniss shrugged, "If this keeps. Going on. I'll be dead."

I looked shocked, "Don't say that! You're doing a great job. Soon, the Capitol will fall."

"And what will fall with it?" Snapped Katniss.

The question hung in the air. It was impossible to not think of the possibilities. 

Clearing her throat, Katniss continued, "I can't do this. Coin will have to find. Someone else."

I thought for a moment. Who would take her place as the Mockingjay? 

"Who would you consider taking your place?" I asked.

Katniss stared off into space. Just like our mother did when she was in grief when our father died. Finally, she shrugged. "Johanna maybe."

I considered the thought. Johanna wouldn't be a bad idea. She was hot-headed, fierce, aggressive, but possibly brave.

But was Johanna really in good condition to become the Mockingjay? I saw her, skinny framed body. No longer the lean, tough body she once had before that. She needed time to heal. Time, that we didn't have enough of.

"Finnick?" I suggested.

Katniss shook her head. "He wouldn't be an ideal choice. He'll be good for propos. And maybe in combat. But the people need someone. With a voice. An inspiring voice." She turned to me, "Someone like you."

My eyes widened. "Why me?"

Katniss smiled, which looked very forced. "You've inspired me. For a second chance. I think people will listen to you. Just like I listened to you."

I smiled briefly too, but it faded quickly. "But Katniss, you know how I feel about violence. I'm training to become a healer, not a killer."

Katniss locked her eyes on me, "You don't have to out and fight. I don't want that. You can just do propos. Finnick and Gale can go out."

"But it'll feel so wrong. I feel like I want to go out."

"Do you?" Questioned Katniss.

I shook my head, then nodded. And then settled on a shrug. "Yes, no, I don't know! Since I'm probably going out to be part of the medical team that joins the Mockingjay soon, I might as well try. But sometimes I'd rather stay here."

Katniss stared at me. And I knew I said too much.

"So you're not training to become a doctor?" She asked quietly.

I sighed, "Well yes. But a medical field doctor. Someone who goes out in the middle of a conflict and help the wounded."

"And get killed too." Finished Katniss coldly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"At the time, I didn't want to worry you more." I said, "I just wanted you to be pleased for once right now."

Katniss laid back in her bed. It was probably time for me to go anyway, "You'd be a good replacement." She said, "but you can't be the Mockingjay. You're going to be in more..." Her voice trailed off. 

"...Danger." She said finally.

I relaxed a little, to be quite honest, I didn't want to be the Mockingjay. I couldn't live with myself seeing people die in front of my eyes.

"Maybe. Maybe Johanna." Murmurs Katniss, "Maybe I can convince her."

"You do that," I whispered, stroking her raven black hair, "and I'll check on you later this evening okay?"

"Alright, Little Duck." She replied quietly. 

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