Bianca Love

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Enjoy 😘 

Maria Pov

" Last night I slept good and damn I miss hubby' so much but I'm straight, he'll be back, he always comes back "

" Today I plan to chill but I need some of Bianca Love, she was there when I beat up star, yes I miss all my girls but I need her love specialty right now, I'll get Keira and Aaliyah's later"

" First I see what's going on with the world and in conclusion I picked up the remote turning it on "

" After 20 seconds I finally turned to the news and my eyes widened "

" There was a plane crash on the way to Africa "

" My heart began to race, I panicked and picked up my cellphone calling my husband "

" Oh' god please let him answer but he didn't so I called again  "

" This time he answered on the second ring and I sighed in relief but emediatelly broke down crying thanking the lord in my head "

Tremaine: " Baby I'm sorry I was sleep but.."

Tremaine cut himself off listening to his wife cry her heart out, he was taken back

Tremaine: " Baby what's wrong you ok, our kids ok, baby talk to me "

Maria held her chest crying harder

Maria: " I thought you were dead, I turned on a news and they said a plane crashed on the way to Africa, I got so scared, I had to call you, thank you Jesus you ok, you gotta' come home, that could've been you'll plane, come home, the team will
understand "

Tremaine: " Baby just breath, calm down, I'm all the way in Russia, it's gon' take me a minute to get back there but if that's what you want then I'll be in the first place back to Georgia, I'm gettin' up now, you feel better "

Maria: " Yes "

Maria was calming down wiping her tears away

Tremaine: " You breathin' "

Maria: " Yes and slowly and easy "

Tremaine: " Good, I'll be there soon, I love you and stop that cryin' "

Maria smiled

Maria: " I love you too "

Maria let Tremaine hang up first then she hung up right after him


Maria waiting for Bianca to arrive while taking a quick nap on the couch
She was silently snoring

She was exhausted after getting all her kids up and ready for school then drove to IHOP to get them all brakefast and somehow made to all their schools on tip to drop them off snd hopefully they'll learn something but overall she accomplished a simple challenge but not too challenging

Loud bangs on her doors made her scream and jump out her sleep falling on the floor

" FUCK MAN " Maria yelled on the floor holding her growing headache but she was fine.

Maria got up and jogged to open the door and instead if expecting Bianca she got all her good friends

Keira was holding a bottle of wine but what Aaliyah holding pissed off had her shocked and taken back

Aaliyah was holding Diana

" WHAT THE FUCKING HELL " Maria yelled pissed off snatching Diana out Aaliyah fist gripped hand with her but with both and tighter.

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