Feeling Better

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Ok I know some of you'll probably wondering why I didn't update again

Truth moment: I got sick so when I get sick I don't update until I feel better and that's why I made Maria sick, hell naw I wasn't as sick as her but I wanted somebody to suffer with me and put a little humor into it, I'm petty 😅

Yes I'm Feeling Better and thank you to those who understand but for those whose less understanding

Well you can kiss my ass cause it wasn't my fault

That's all

Enjoy 😘

Maria Pov

" After I took everything I needed to take and did everything I needed to do to feel better I took me a long ass much needed nap, damn I feel better but my throat still working on my damn nerves, that's about it "

" I have no clue what time it is but it's night time, damn I slept long "

" My husband walked in here cutting off my thoughts with the same shit on except he had on clothes he would sleep in, I swear he just uggggh' but I still love him "

" Tremaine really " Maria said sounding hoarse as fuck.

" Yo' throat sore, did you drink that hot lemon tea " Tremaine said sitting on the bed.

" As you can see it didn't help, where's our kids and what time is it " Maria said.

" They all sleep and it's almost midnight but we all worked together and made you this get well card " Tremaine said pulling it out his pocket and Maria smiled taking it and red it out loud.

We love you mommy, get well soon, real soon

" Awwwwww' thank you and can you take that shit off, you look ridiculous and your making me feel like I have ebola or sum' shit " Maria said.

" I can't afford to get sick but I came in here to tell you goodnight and I put sleepin' pills in the night stand drawer if you can't go to sleep " Tremaine said.

" Your so good to me baby " Maria said.

" It's my job, goodnight " Tremaine said walking out.

" Goodnight, I love you " Maria said laying down snuggling with a body pillow which is Tremaine replacement.

" I love you too " Tremaine said.


Maria eyes fluttered open and she jumped nearly screaming at Bianca, Aaliyah and Keira sitting there on the foot of the bed smiling at her with their eyes widened

" Have you'll lost you'll fuckin' mind " Maria said catching up with her breathing sitting up stetching.

She was officially feeling better

" We heard you got sick but then we heard you were Feeling Better " Bianca said.

" You'll get on my nerves " Maria said.

" Well fuck you too then " Keira said.

" You wish " Maria said.

" You'll nasty anyways Maria honey it's almost 12 in the afternoon and you got a photo shoot to get to, we all took off today to come along and support you " Aaliyah said.

" Tremaine good looking annoying ass told us to tell you that he's picking you'll kids up from school and with drawing them but when we all get back here we gotta' help you'll start packing and tomorrow which is Friday, the movers will come over and help you'll move everything and you'll should be moved into you'll new mansion, I think it's great, you'll both closer to you'll jobs " Bianca said.
" Who in the hell is you calling nasty, you a freak just like the rest of us " Keira said.

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