Chapter 8: Tears and Kisses

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A/N Oh. my. flipping. God. I went to type another chapter and saw I have 221 reads on my first book, 70 on the second, and 97 on this! Thank You guys so freaking much! (By the way, I got the idea to have Jack go blind by my favorite book, 'I'm Just Septic Eyed' Which barely passes 'Stripped' by Lynn_Shawe and were both really awesomely written books) On to the story!

(Jack's POV)

I looked at the clock. An hour until prom and three until Anti will be gone... Ha, just a few weeks ago I would have done ANYTHING to get rid of him, now all I want is for him to stay... Mark's voice got me out of the thoughts of loosing my best friend and worst enemy. "Jack, we don't have to leave. We can stay here."

I shook my head. "N-no. Anti would want us to have fun-" Dark interrupted me.

"Stop acting like he's dead! News Flash: He's more likely to wake than pass on! I'm tired of everyone pretending he's gone!" Dark exploded with anger. His voice dropped it's high volume and went to a barely audible whisper, "He'll b-be f-fine." Dark started to cry, black tears dripping down his cheeks. I couldn't help but hug him and I'm pretty sure Mark had the same idea. "He-He's gonna b-be okay r-right?" He asked through jagged breathing, not even looking up. I hugged him tighter before honestly answering.

"I don't know, I really don't know, Dark..." That only made him cry harder. I pulled him into another hug. I noticed grey droplets on my white shirt after about thirty seconds. I knew I wasn't crying with him and Mark hadn't had a trace of tears on his face. A few more drops hit my shirt-each one lighter than the last-before I lifted Dark's head. His tear-streaked face had clear tears dripping from his eyes. As the tears rolled down his cheek, they turned darker because of tears from before. I couldn't believe it, Dark was actually crying real tears! "Dark, you're crying."

"Yeah, you think I didn't notice," Dark sniffled.

"No, I mean you're really crying! Real tears, Dark!" I grabbed my phone and took a picture. I showed him. His tears never lightened, but he had a quick look of confusion and chuckled. 

"Heh, that's odd," he said threw tears. "But w-what does th-that m-mean?" He whispered with hitched breathing. Teas weren't stopping anytime soon, yet he somehow managed to look at Anti without any more than before. Anti slowly sat up. Dark immediately jumped at him and pulled him into a hug. Anti instantly hugged back but pulled away soon after.

"Dark your eyes!" Anti freaked.

"I know, real tears. I can't believe it either. I-I don't know what it means, but it's a thing now."

Anti looked at the clock. It was 8:34. "You guys need to get dressed! We need to get you two to your prom!"

(Ten minutes later)

"Come on, you two need to hurry! We're going to be late!" Anti yelled at us, grabbing the car keys.

(When they arrive twelve minutes later Sorry for the time skips)

"Ha! Were aren't late! Let's go!" I laughed.

"Oh shut up!" Anti whined. I stuck out my tongue at him. We walked inside and it was beautiful.

(Side Note: Dark and Anti had been paid for already because they bought 4 tickets)

The whole room was decorated with banners, ribbons, ad lights. We all had fun dancing like idiots until about 11: 45. Anti pulled us outside. "I think it's time, Jack. Did you tell them?" I nodded. "Guys, I'm going to take away Jack's vision. You already know why. Step back, you know, for safety." Mark and Dark did as asked of them. "This is it, Jack." I smiled.

"I guess it is. Ha, I guess I won't be seeing you guys again anytime soon..." Everyone chuckled at my stupid joke.  "Can I have one more moment?" Anti nodded. I walked to Mark and kissed him. "I love you, Mark..."

(666 wordy-words)

"I love you, too, Sean McLoughlin. And no matter what happens, I always will..."

"That's it. Anti will you be my boyfriend?" Dark said, surprising everyone. Anti turned red and then (finally) kissed him. DANTI AWAY!

"Okay, Anti, I think I'm ready..."

(Sorry, I'm tired and this is decently longer than some other chapters so sorry for the cliffhanger, but thank you guys for the reads, comments, and votes)

(Another just read)

Me: DANTI!!!*laughs manically and falls on floor*

Mom: Okay, now we need the holy water... Hey can you see if there's any more in the cabinets

Friend: Sure. *Opens cabinet 1, angry mob + screams* *Opens cabinet 2, fire* *Opens cabinet 3, blood* Nope. Nothing important.

Mom: Did you see any salt? Check the last cabinet.

Friend: *Opens cabinet 4, giant octopus hands over salt and holy water* Thanks. *Pours holy water on my face*

Me: *wakes up and chooses 'fight' motion**Swings punch*

Friend: Thanks for the bloody nose, Courtney 

Me: I sowwy friend 

Friend: *laughs*

Me: (Screams) DANTI FOR LIFE!!! (less enthusiasm) Oh, and woo-hoo Septipler 

Friend: *rolls eyes+laughs* 

Thank you guys for reading, if you liked it, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS, and high fives + hugs all around Wapoosh,Wapoosh but thank you guys, and I will see all you guys in the next chapter 

*waves* buh-bye

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