Chapter 13: Back To The Beginning

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A/N Oh. My. God. I swear how the heck am I getting so many reads?! 

(Dark's POV)

I saw the witch lift her wand. I didn't have time to think, my instincts took over. I yanked the sword away from Anti, immediately dashing into the sky. I don't know what came over me! I stabbed her and a black liquid spilled out. She looked at me surprised as I was. "You traitors." She looked at Anti and me. Then she chuckled, "You haven't seen the last of me..." She then perished into gray dust. The sword dropped and I came crashing down. I landed on my knees. 

"What did I just do?" I whispered. 

"Dark, are you okay?" Anti asked quietly. 

"No! I am not okay! I just killed someone!" I yelled. 

"Dark, you've killed people before, this one tried to kill Jack! He would be dead without you!"

"I killed for a reason. I always had..."


"I always killed to keep you safe. Do you remember when I first met you?"

"Yeah. What about it?" He thought for a second. "Oh." I recalled what happened exactly. 

(Flashback: Underlined and Italicized)

It was late at night. I was walking around when I saw someone in an alleyway. He was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked. He didn't answer. 

"Hey punks!" Someone called in the distance. "Get out of here! You don't belong here!" Then the person came out of the shadows. I didn't know why, but I didn't move away from the boy. He whispered something.

"You should leave, before you get hurt. I'm not worth getting hurt..."

"I'm not leaving you." 

"Guess you two didn't want to leave. Hmm, well maybe I should fix that," the guy said, lifting the boy off the ground.

"Leave him alone!" I screamed. He just laughed. 

"What are you gonna do about it, pipsqueak? Ge out of here, freak." I was done with him. I grabbed a piece of broken glass and stabbed it in his arm, forcing him to let go. He dropped the boy, who's eyes were now wide in shock. 

"Why did you do that? Why did you help me?" He whispered as we walked away.

"I-I don't know. Something told me to protect you."

"That guy was in 8th grade! There's no way you're in more 6th."

"5th. My names Dark, what's yours?"

"Anti. I'm in 4th grade. Thanks. For you know, helping me and all..."

"Well, can't have a friend who's dead, can I?"

"I can't die. I'm just a freak. You really don't need me to be your friend."

"But, I want to be." He smiled.

"Friends it is!"

"We can be partners in crime!"

"We can be whatever you want."

(End Flashback)

(And another Just read)

Me: Too much cuteness! My tiny heart can't take it! Help me! I'm drowning in adorkable cuteness!!! 

Friend: Nope. Nopity-nope nope! Last time I helped I needed holy water!

Me: Please! I'm dying!

Friend: *sighs*  Fine. *grabs holy water* 

Me: *passes out from cuteness overdose*

Friend: *pours holy water on my head*

Me: What did I miss?

Friend: You passed out from cuteness overdose... again. That's the third time this week. 

Me: Well I can't help if Septipler and Danti are adorable!

Friend: *rolls eyes* You need serious therapy.

Me: Yes. Yes, I do. So do the readers of my writing. 


Thank You to all those reading! Hugs all around!

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