TAG! You're it! Tagged, tagged I'm it!

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So yeah, I'm going to make a new tag. THIS IS A CHOICE! If I tag you, you do NOT need to do this. It's for fun. 

Name of tag: #ForeverFunTags or #TagsforFun

So I guess the rules go next:

1: Must include a title that is clever/silly. You can't take anyone else's. 

2: Must include 3-5 people you want to tag

3: Must include a song reference

4: Must include your OTP (one true pairing) 

5: Must include 3 Jacksepticeye references 

6: Must include 3 Markiplier references 

7: Must have 5 facts about you (likes/dislikes/crush/etc.)

8: Must have 5 facts about your life (bf/siblings/family/etc.)

9: Must include who/what on this site inspires you

10: Must post Rules 

I tag: 






I'll do this tag if you guys want! This is a celebration for my followers and for friends and writers and for the amazing readers/supporters of any writing! Please have fun with this tag. 

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