Chapter 12: Attack

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Chapter 12: Attack

            I got up in the morning, and the first thing I did was look at the new letter again.  How did they know me? I don’t think I ever saw anyone in the forest before.  I decided to write back.

         Hey, I got your letter, and how do you know me?  Who is the other person like me?  If you can help us, can you meet us somewhere, like sometime in August?    We need all the help we can get, and can we meet the other person like us?

       Signed- Bird Girl

            I walked to the window to see where the white hawk perched.  I looked around, but couldn’t find her.  I whistled, calling Rebel, and I instantly saw his figure fly out of a tree off in the distance.  He flew up into the windowsill.  I held the folded letter up to his mouth, and he grabbed it with his beak.  I hoped he knew where the white hawk disappeared to, if he didn’t, then I didn’t know what would happen to the letter.  It wasn’t in my hands anymore, I just hoped it wouldn’t get into the wrong hands.

            Rebel flapped his wings and flew off away from the sunrise.  He flew off camp grounds, and never did before.  I watched as he crossed the border and the small dot in the distance disappeared into the blackness.  Just as I closed the window, I heard one of my roommates moan.

            “What are you doing,” Vanessa asked groggily, sitting up.

            “Answering a letter I got from someone,” I said I don’t bother lying to her anymore; she always knows when I do.  She’s a friend too, and I hate lying to friends.

            “When did you get a letter, and why did you give it to Rebel,” she asked.

            “I got it last night, and Rebel knows the bird that sent it to me.  I was hoping he would find her,” I replied.

            “Oh, okay...who was it from,” she asked.  Now she was starting to get n my nerves.  She got up and looked at her cell phone for the time.

            “I don’t know, but whoever it is knows what I am,” I sighed.  I got up and walked over to my bed, pulling the sheets to the bottom of the bed.

            “Well that’s sketchy…unless it’s a camper,” Vanessa announced.

            “It’s not; the person is from Wyoming, near my hometown.  It could be anyone,” I said.

            “Good morning roommates,” Grace said, stretching across her bed.  “What are you talking about?”

            “Karissa’s new stalker,” Vanessa said, “I guess she knows that white bird that’s been hanging around.”

            “Do you know who it is,” Grace asked, getting up and looking in her drawer for clothes.

            “No, all I know is that she lives somewhere in Wyoming,” I said, putting on my Flyleaf t-shirt and white jean shorts.

            “Oh, that’s weird,” Grace said, thinking it over.

            “Yeah, I think she saw me when I was putting out a forest fire the day before we left to come here,” I said.

            “Wait, were you that girl on the news that day, she had wings just like you.  She was at that forest fire,” Grace asked as she put her cell phone in her shirt.

            “No, that was Amber.  That was the first day I saw her, but I only saw her wing when I tried to put the fire out.  As for me, I guess I was only exposed to the person who sent the letter to me.  I didn’t end up on the news.”  I reached for the door, ready to go out and have breakfast.  I don’t think anyone was up yet though, they didn’t sound the bell yet.

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