Chapter 23: Do Nothing Day

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Chapter 23: Do Nothing Day

            I woke up, and walked to the nearest window to open the blinds.  I pulled on the strings, and the blinds slid up the window.  The sky clouded over with dark grey, fog slithering over the ground.  All of a sudden, a strip of light came down from the sky, and a loud boom came right after it.  A thunderstorm rumbled through the morning.

            It’s been two days since I called Anessa back in the cave.  Amber, Rosabella, Titus and I went for a trip across the lake, so they could set up a new campsite.  People started to realize that there was someone in the cave, because smoke came out of it every once in a while.  Now they’re stuck in the forest in the rain.

            I pulled up the rest of the blinds and sat down at the couch.  I was the first one up, so I just sat there in silence.  I stared out the window, looking at a growing blob in the distance.  Its brown feathers were barely visible against the dark sky.  An owl was coming towards the window, with something in her talons.

            I walked over to the window, unlocked it, and opened it.  It flew in and landed on the floor with no hesitation.  She dropped the package onto the ground.  Without closing the window, I knelt down near the package and saw a note taped to the top.  I waited to see if the owl wanted to go outside, but instead it flew up and perched itself on the vertical board of my bed.  I went over and closed the window so the room wouldn’t get wet.

            The owl flew back down beside the package as I knelt down to open it.  I pulled the note of the top of the big box, and read it aloud to myself.

            Karissa & Amber

I understand that you might not need these yet, but I thought you guys could use it.  There are six new cell phones with the ear clips, just in case you guys needed extra.  I decided to give you these so the government wouldn’t track you down.  There is also two laptops,  three IPods for entertainment and spying (it has tiny video cameras built in and will beep at the slightest sign of danger, and can pick up voices from anyone in a mile range), four walky-talkies, (I have more if you need them), a set of trackers, (just in case you lose your target, and want to be able to find them again), this owl, Barren (he’s a barn owl, it’s easier for them to carry letters and packages for farther distances without being noticed.), a sound amplifier (it looks like the thing doctors wear around their necks, It’s used to hear voices from behind walls), microchips that can be used for communicating without people seeing it (there are some for your ear and some for your mouth), a GPS, a tazer gun, some sunglasses with tiny video cameras, hats with video cameras.  Some mini video cameras (you can clip them to your clothes)  actually I’m bringing another owl later with weapons and the chargers for everything. (All of it couldn’t fit in one package).  All of this stuff is from my dad, so none of it is tracked by the government.  If you don’t need this stuff, you can give it back when we have the meeting.


P.S. don’t trust the government’s equipment it is tracked twenty-four seven.  This can be tracked but only by the person who made it and my dad made them. (he’s a secret spy against the government.  He won’t tell me which society it is though…it’s very top secret).

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