Chapter 16: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

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Chapter 16: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

            “So, how have you been feeling since…well,” Miles started, not wanting to mention his name.

            “Better now,” I replied.  I sulked back into the tree, hiding my face from his.  Miles found his way up Melissa’s tree a few minutes ago.  I flew to join Amber, Titus and Rosabella on an afternoon flight.  We wanted to check out a nearby tree house for shelter.  I flew up here to meet them, and found Miles sitting in a branch below.

            “Were you truly good friends beforehand,” he asked, now sitting on the branch next to me.  He took my fingers, playing with them.

            “Well, we were friends,” I insisted.  “But we weren’t really close.  I only met him a few years ago.”

            “Do you want to talk about it or no,” he asked.  He looked down at me as I pulled my hand away, pressing my hands together so they wouldn’t shake.  “I mean, I don’t think we have much time left to talk anyways.”

            “Sure, I guess we could talk about it,” I hesitated.  I leaned my head against the trunk, sliding my charm bracelet around.

            “Alright,” he sighed, adjusting himself so he straddled the branch and faced me.  He stared me down, waiting for an explanation.

            “I’m still totally confused,” I confessed.

            “I know,” he replied, placing his hand on my shoulder.  “I can tell.  I just want to know what your plan is.”

            “My plan,” I asked, looking at him crookedly.  He flipped his leg over the branch again and wrapped me in his arms.

            “About taking me with you.  About how you’re going to figure out your love life,” he listed off.  He rubbed my back in between my wings, causing me to mumble with pleasure.  I loved when he massaged my back.

            “I don’t think I can take you with me,” I sighed.  He pressed against one of the knots in my back, rubbing his fingers in circles.  “All of us have wings, and it’s hard to carry someone on our backs for long periods of time.”

            “I understand,” he replied, sliding his arm down to my lower back, he stopped suddenly, pressing his hand lightly on my back.  He looked down toward the ground, his face shadowed in sadness.

            “I would bring you if I could,” I insisted.

            “I know you would,” he replied, looking at me with a sad crooked smile.  “But I also feel like I can give you some assistance with something.”

            “Maybe you can,” I said, bringing light to his eyes.  “When we find the other mutants, they’ll need a hiding place.  They can’t fly, and they need a leader to keep them in line.  Since you’re good with emotions, maybe you can help with that.”

            “Okay,” he said, starting to lightly rub my back again.  We sat quietly for a few moments, basking in each other’s presence.  I lay my head in the crook of his neck, and he pressed his cheek on top.  I sighed, trying to think of another conversation.  “Now that just leaves us with one more thing to solve.”

            “I just don’t know Miles,” I said before he could continue.

            “I know that,” he replied.  “And I can also see that you like Jerome a lot more than you think.  I’m willing to just be friends with you.  I know things will be awkward between us, but I believe we can move past this point.”

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