Chapter 31: No No No No

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*A few weeks later*

I hear the alarm and I groan at the noise. I hear Luke groan. It was only 7am, but the things we did last time made us exhausted.

Today is the day the boys go back on tour, and I'm not enjoying it.

I go to get up but Luke wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him. I groan, since I was tired and he knocked the air out of me.

"I don't want to leave you" he mumbled.

"I know, I don't want you to go either, but, you are going to travel and live your dream" I said. "C'mon we need to wake up Michael and get you guys to the airport"

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said turning around and kiss his lips. He tightened his grip when I tried to pull back.

"Luke" I said against his lips. "We need to go"

"Love me" he yelled and I laughed.

I pecked his lips and got up. I quickly go to my wardrobe and grab clothes. I start with a bra and underwear, then jeans and a t-shirt.

I turn around and see Luke still in bed.

"C'mom Luke, you need to get up" I said.

"But this bed to so comfy" he moaned.

"I know but we need to get the twins ready and then you boys to the airport" I said.

He groaned but finally got up. I point to the bathroom and he goes. I hear the shower go on, and then I walk out. I walk to Michael's room and knock.

I didn't hear anything to I barged in yelling.

"Wake-y, Wake-y. C'mom Michael it's time to get up!" I yelled making him jump.

He groans.

"I hate you" he said.

"I hate you too but, you need to get up, so I can take you to the airport" I said.

He groaned into his pillow before getting up. I walk out so he can get ready. I got the rest of the boys' room to make sure they're awake, and thankfully, they are.

I lastly go to the nursery to see the twins wide awake. I quickly change their diapers and get them dressed. I hear the door open and I turn around to see Luke.

He walks over to the twins and they smile, making Luke and I smile. They hold theirs hands out and open their hands. Luke picks Malum up and I help him hold Ashely.

My eyes started to water since I'm guessing is that they know daddy's leaving. Luke saw me and frowned.

"Babe" he said sounding sad. I shook my head side to side.

"It's fine, I'm fine" I said.

"No you're not" he said putting the twins each in their cribs and walking towards me.

He wraps his stand around me and hugs me while I cry into his chest. He rubbed my back lightly. Before he was going to let go, I wrap my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He tightened his grip.

"I'm going to miss you" I said. "So much"

"I know, I'm going to miss you too" he said loosening his grip. He kisses my lips.


I hug Luke for the last time before we leaves for 6 months. My eyes have been red from all the crying I've done.

I let go of our hug and Luke says bye to the twins. I could see he was getting emotional, I rubbed his back.

"Protect mommy and Ashley" Luke said to Malum who just smiled. "My little girl"

He said to Ashley, and she just looked at him. I couldn't tell if she was sad, mad or happy.

"I should go" Luke said and I nodded. He turned and faced me. "I'll see you later"

"I'll see you later" I said kissing him one last time.

This goodbye was harder than the last. I'm guessing it's because it's longer, and more jam packed, so he's going to be super busy.

"I love you guys" Luke said, looking at all three of us.

"We love you too" I said.

Luke smiled before stepping back and turning around. He started walking with the boys. I picked up both car seats and started making my way back to the car, trying not to look back since I'm about to burst into more tears.

I put them in the van and closed the door. I open the driver's door and get in. I start the car and started making my way back home.


*1 month later*

I wake up to one side of the bed cold, like I have the past month. It's been really difficult especially since the twins are an extra handful.

I then felt a very staring urge to throw up. I race to the bathroom and empty my stomach into the toilet bowl. Once I finished, I stand up and look in the mirror. I see a very pale girl, with dark circles under her eyes and messy hair.

I try and calmed down my hair. I ended up just putting it in a messy bun. I wash my face with the water and brush my teeth.

I get dressed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. I go into the nursery and get twins ready for stay the night at Liz's house.

She gladly agreed to take care of them so I can get some sleep.

Once I got somethings ready, since Liz already had a couple things at her house, I get the twins to eat something in the kitchen before putting them in car seats and into my car. I get to my car, and into the driver's seat.

I start driving to Liz'z house.


I arrive at Liz'z house and park. I get the supplies and twins, and walk to the front door. I knock.

Liz opens the door smiling, but it soon disappears. She looks at me with a worried expression.

"Oh my gosh, Amber" she said.

"Uhh, thanks again for taking care of the twins" I said, shyly.

"Of course, come in. You don't look too good" she said and I shrugged.

She helps with twins. She puts them in their play pen with a couple toys. Once she finishes with them she tells me to sit on the couch and I do as tolled. She puts the back of her hand on my forehead and looks confused.

"You're not running a fever" she said. "Amber"

I looked at her.

"When was your last period?" She asked and I thought about it. My eyes widen.

"Two months ago" I said quietly, but she heard.

She gasped and ran to the bathroom. She came back with two pregnancy boxes and I look at her.

"I've had them just in case for you" she said and I nodded.

I take the boxes and go to the bathroom. I take both test and let them sit on the counter and I waited 2 mins, but they felt like 2 years.

I grab the test and look at them, I gasped. I walk out to see Liz.

"What do they say?" She asked and I gave hem to her. She gasped.


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