No..... way

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"arrrgh...M... Martin? Martin..... wake up." Jamari said as he felt groggy and his right forearm was in pain, he looked at it and he saw a deep hole in it that was smoking as if he was shot in it. He nudged Martin to wake up ans he tried to stand "aaaugh! Fuck!" he said as he fought the pain and stood anyways, Martin opened his eyes and sat up and shook his head holding it "Ahh man.... My head is killing me" he said "Tell me about it" Jamari said. "What time is it?" Jamari said, "3:30...3:30?" Martin said as he doubled back and looked at his watch twice "Hey man what time you got?", Jamari checked his phone "3:30.....September 28......wh-what?" He said confused. "I'm sorry did u just say September 28? Dude we've been out for five days?!" Martin said starting freak out, "C-c'mon man let's go to my house" Jamari said as he started to walk in the direction of the dead end road as Martin followed. They walked up the road and onto the street holding there heads a truck was speeding down the road and almost hit Jamari "JAMARI WATCH OUT!!" Jamari simply looked at the truck and before it reached him he "A..... A..... Achoooo!" as Jamari rubbed his eyes and opened them he saw bright purple crystal shards that had emerged from the ground and pierced through the front of the truck "Whoa what the hell?" Jamari said as he stepped back surprised and a little frightened and he ran off toawrds his house "Dude what was that back there?" Martin said as hell ran alongside him "I don't....i don't *now man.....lets just get to my house so we can think about what the hell happened to us for five days" Jamari said. As they walked through his door several people from both Martin's and Jamari's families including the police were there and they paused to see them coming through the door "Ahhhh! Jamari" "Martin!" Jamari's Mom and Martin's grandma screamed as they walked up to them and hugged them. "h-EY! Mom" what's all these people doing here?" Jamari asked as the impact from his moms hug was strong. "You and Martin were missing for 5 days,  everyone's been worried sick" His mom said "........WHERE THE FUCK Y'ALL BEEN AT?!?!" "Jeez ma we were..... At..... Skate camp" Jamari lied and Martin looked at him " Yea we weren't expecting it but it was an in the moment thing plus our phones were dead" Martin said. Jamari's mom sighed "next time make sure you jave everything on you and make sure you get into some tyoe of contact with us okay?" She said "Yes ma'am" Jamari and Martin agreed. Someone walked up and took a look at Martin and Jamari "but what about these hm?" he said pointing to the holes in their arms, "Those are some pretty nasty scars gentlemen" he said grabbing Jamari's arm to examine it closer as he jerked away from him ".....we're fine.... Thanks" Jamari said with a cold tone and walked with Martin to his room. Later on everyone left and Jamari finally broke the silence "....dude something happened to us.... Something big" He said, "how do you know?" Martin said "Dude those crystals that pierced that truck were the same color as that crystal we found" he explained "Yea.... Yea I remember now" Martin said "Whoa dude.... Your arm is glowing bright purple" he said "So's your throat" Jamari said as he looked at his arm. What happened to them?

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