"Is that a promise?" Dj said smirking at him before Jay lifted his leg and vanished with a bright purple streak from his eyes and he appeared in front of Dj crouching down before leaning back on his hand and kicking him upwards and quickly spinned to punch him in the chest sending him flying back towards the entrance of the room. Jay did nothing but walked towards him as Dj got up quickly a bit surprised "well then!" He smiled "looks like we're starting" he said dashing towards jay to punch him before it was blocked, several more punches followed after that being traded back and forth. The others who had gotten beat by Dj looked up grunting in pain as they saw jay and his double trading blows in a giant purple blur before Dj landed a hard punch to Jay's face making him stumble back a bit while Dj continued to land body shots. Jay grabbed his arms and jumped up drop kicking Dj's chest flinging him back again "aaargh! You're gonna stop doing th-" Jay dashed towards Dj as soon as he flew back an chin checked him cutting him off from finishing his sentence with hooks left and right "Damn.....that nigga mad" Bobby said "I've never seen him like that" Martin agreed as Zambia crawled to Bobby holding her stomach and resting her head on him laughing a little "I love when he's the strong silent type" she said. "You like damn near dead right now and you're still hitting on him?" Bobby asked as a loud boom was heard from the side of the room the doubles had came through in and a giant red crystal shard had blasted the door open, two others had came through looking around "What the hell is this?" One of them said "how big is this place I don't even know where we are....fuck I want some Oreos" the other said as they looked over to see Zam, Bobby and Martin then jay fighting Dj "Yo....that's Mari?.......that is that nigga Mari! Aye wass good fam!" One of them said running towards Jamari and Dj as he slowed down "aye why you fighting yourself tho?". Jamari sent Dj flying back again but not as far as he held his ground looking up at Jay tired, bleeding and his crystals cracked "you.....how did.....how did you get so strong? Y-your dna had nothing..." He stopped as he began coughing up dark purple blood "nothing about this..." he said as he could barely stand, he raised his arm up to the roof and shot a shard directly up and then fainted. Everyone watched the shard go up to the top of the roof and smash a button that sounded one big alarm that canceled out the others. A female announcer voice was heard "Code threat level: Black. Releasing all test specimen" it said once then repeated, Jay turned around with his eyes still glowing before they faded to show his regular eyes and he stumbled a bit looking up at the two new people who had came into the room "Kevin?.........K-Kevon? What're you doing here no one else is supposed to be here" he said as Kevin walked up to him helping him stand "man we woke up here, they had us in a cell that looked just like my house and we were high and ended up not leaving for a while cause...well we kept getting weed they had food and a game so we was straight but Kevon said he wanted to go home and tried to leave but the door wouldn't open. Turns out everything was fake the whole time, then we thought of a plan and busted out that hoe" Kevin explained bringing him to the others as Kevon walked over also. "How did you get your powers?" Jamari asked "Bro at the school bro everybody know that school is shit, we was skipping on the side of the school where people barely be and saw something glowing coming up from the floor in the janitors closet and it was glowing red, and you know me I like red so we tried to touch it and ended up passing out after getting blasted with like some wave or some shit" Kevon explained, "Yaaaahhhh" Kevin sang out as sort of an "amen". Jamari laughed a little before gasping and turning to Zambia lifting her head slowly and holding her "Hey....." he said looking at her smiling "Hi..." she said smiling also "How's your stomach?" He asked "I don't know.... I feel cold...." she told him "Hey hey don't freak out okay? I'm gonna take a look at it but I gotta lift up your shirt a little" he explained "mmm okay" she groaned slightly from the pain and nodded. Jay started to lift her shirt before looking up at the guys staring "Damn nigga like she dying a little privacy?" He said as they all coughed and looked off in the other direction while he lifted it, he saw the holes in her stomach and the dark green blood that dried up. On the inside he thought he would lose her, he put his head down holding her tightly as he put his hand on her wound...shortly after her stomach started to glow a mixture of bright purple and green as a crystal plate covered the wound "Whoa...." everybody said softly as he looked at her and she looked at him, it was their moment finally.....or so they thought. Hundreds of doubles from Kevon to Carlos surrounded both entrances "aye..." Kevin said "not now" Jamari told him leaning into Zambia "Uhh dude" Martin said "not now" he said "Nigga look!" Kevon and Bobby screamed as they pulled his jacket by his shoulder showing him what they saw. "Ohhhhhhhhhh shit" Both Zambia and Jamari said, "I don't think they gon wait so wassup! How many of y'all I gotta sleep cause I ain't dying" Kevin said as he darted from the group and jumped up so his giant crystal red wings could come out fully while he crystallized his hands. Kevon did the same on the opposite side while his shoulders down to his ankles sharded with red crystals and his hair was crystallized into spikes "that's dead" Kevon said "damn right" Bobby said crystallizing his body into a light juggernaut armor " ayyyyye okay Bobby " Jamari said while Martin made crystal shoes that went up to his calfs and his neck down to his torso were crystallized. Jay and Zambia looked at each other then looked at everyone else smiling ready to fight as Jamari crystallized his left arm and his right was crystallized green while one of Zambia's pupils turned purple. "Heh.....CHAAAAAAAAAAARGE!!!" Jamari yelled as everyone charged into the middle of the court. The war begins..