"Alright then, it looks like everyone's got it." Jamari said "What happens when we get out?....we don't really know the layout of the facility" Bobby said, "I know...I was thinking that last night...or morning... I don't know what time it is right now, fuck it could be the first day still." Jamari told him. "He has a point" Chasity said, "Yea, fuck around and get caught again...or die" Zambia said as a noise was heard all over the room. "I don't know what's going on but any signs of anyone else coming in here everyone go transparent, clear?" Jamari said "Crystal" Bobby said "ewww "c'mon dude" "that sucked" "seriously?" Everyone said "I couldn't help myself" He responded as a door began to open and at the shine of the light coming into the room everyone "Cleared" out....Hahahaha...no?........ahem tough crowd, anyway it turned out to be some sort of scientist coming to check on them. "Wh-what the hell!? Where are they!?!?" He said as he ran out, leaving the vault door open and he ran to the nearest intercom and reported the missing prisoners. "ATTENTION! THIS IS NOT A DRILL THE PRISONERS HAVE ESCAPED! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! CODE 5 CODE 5!" He shouted and ran to find Sargent Pullop, "Guys let's go. The doors open but, we have to be quiet so no more talking until we're safe. We can see each other because we all went transparent at the same time" Jamari whispered to his friends. Everyone nodded as they walked trying to find the exit and came across someone. Carlos. Jamari treaded lightly since Carlos had the same crystal abilities, "I can see you..." He said as he sat behind a cell "Dude...why are you in a cell?" Jamari whispered in his transparent state. "Its okay, only other people who have the crystal power can hear you in that state, no need to whisper." He informed Jamari, "Oh...cool, but still why do they have you in a cell? Aren't you a respected officer?" He asked. "I was....then I got struck and they found out, that's all I remember. The training and the lie of who I am....I don't even know my real name" Carlos explained, "...they erased your memory and gave you a default identity" Jamari said "Yep...so now I'm their lab rat, their pet, I do what they want.....and in exchange they let me live" Carlos said. "Kind of shit is that? Dude.....your a crystalloid just like us.....come with us we can help you, not figure out who you were but who you want to be." Jamari said trying to convince him, "I can't...they say I'm unstable and I can't adapt to normal lifestyle." Carlos told them as he heard security coming from up the hallway, "Dude we can help you even if you're unstable...shit look at us we look perfect to you?" Jamari asked "You got no less than 2 minutes before they make it up this hallway and around the corner" He said. Carlos sat and thought for a split second. Then suddenly stood and took a deep breath, making his body thin to step in between the bars of the cell. "C'mon I know an easy exit to the outskirts of the city!" Carlos shouted over the siren that started wailing and he ran as the guards turned the corner that they were on, they all ran following Carlos to a ladder which lead to a sewer top like door; a mini vault. They climbed up as fast as they could and exited the underground facility, "Where are we?" Martin asked coming out of his transparent mode. "Looks like the Sahara to me" Bobby said, "Yea.....it is, and that's the terrible part. But at least we're out of there....they won't suspect a thing....
......C'mon" Carlos told them waving his hand in the direction he was about to walk. They had a long hot trip ahead of them.