"Be that as it may" Dj said calmly "Yours will sadly perish" he said blocking Jays arm and landing a blow directly to his chest, he slid back holding his chest but not hesitating to charge back in going hand in hand with Dj while being blocked the whole time. Jay kept going and stomped Dj's knee causing it to bend and he broke his guard "always watch your legs" jay said before right hooking him. The guards tried to jump jay but just got a barrage of crystals in their chests, neck, stomach, and head. Jay took a quick look around before finding the controller on Dj and pushing the button pulling the wall back revealing the rest of the court, everyone paused looking over at the wall "N....no way" Bobby said shocked "Ja..." Zambia started to say as Martin looked also "JAMARI!!!!" they all shouted as Jay stood there with blood splattered on him smiling "anyone miss me?" He said laughing, "HELL YEA I DID" Zambia said before blushing and covering her mouth mumbling "imeanyeasodideveryoneelseijustyaknowmissedyoumorenobiggy". "Fight now talk later!" He screamed as Zams double tried to take advantage of her loss of focus before Zambia ducked, side stepped and hooked her in the jaw "CHA!" she roared as jay charged in to help Bobby and Martin. "Bobby!" He shouted "Yea?" He asked "Martin!" He called "Yea?" Martin asked as Jay ran up quickly and jumped in between the two with Bobby to the left, his double in front of him, and Martin to the right with his double in front of him. "APLHA MANEUVER!" He screamed as Martin and Bobby both yelled "Right!" Grabbing their doubles and switching places with them as Jay came down with giant crystal fists that sharded up the ground with bright purple crystals. Everything happened as if in slow motion before Jay was shot with a purple shard flinging him to the side and to the ground, "You think you can come in here and change the outcome of your fate!? You think this is some fairytale!?" Dj yelled taking off the robe and slippers (he had on mma style short shorts) as his left arm crystallized continuing to his chest, his other arm and his legs. "I'll show you, THIS IS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE!" He yelled walking towards jay as Bobby and Martin shot crystals at him and tried to attack, Bobby had armored his body like he did with Carlos but the armor was different, upgraded even but it was no match for Dj. As Bobby threw the first punch Dj grabbed his arm and kneed him in the stomach and head butted him breaking his crystal helmet as he flung him to the side by his arm "Puny." Dj said while still walking as Martin spat out at him while trying to sweep kick him, as Dj jumped barely spinning in mid air roundhousing him effortlessly "you just don't get it do you? You will not win this battle" he told them as a bright green beam was shot at him before he blocked it last minute. "Almost got me there toots" he said with a smile as Zambia ran up crouching and started to swing at him with different combos, Dj grew tired of blocking and tried to show of by fake yawning before Zam stuck him square of in the face and began punching repeatedly. Across the court where jay had been shot he groaned and sat up a bit taking the shard out of his chest and inhaling sharply before grunting and slowly starting to stand, he looked up to see Zambia sticking Dj in his face over and over. Just when Jay started to smile Dj swooped her arms and made his hands sharp crystals as he stabbed her in the stomach, in that instant jay looked shocked and was speechless. As blood started to drip loudly even over the sirens blaring. He took his claws out and slung her over along with Bobby, and continued walking towards jay smiling "you understand now?" He asked rhetorically "You won't win so might as well just give up" he said laughing as Jay stood there quietly with his head down clenching his fists "You. And everyone who doesn't belong to my world..." Jamari looked up with his eyes glowing purple and bleeding "Will die here."