"I knew something was up....." Martin said quietly as the soldiers moved them to their cells in handcuffs, they started to notice the way the facility was built and how it functioned and knew that it wasn't earth made...only to look that way. Then they all saw how the walls started to shift into what they really were, the camouflage was useless now since they've figured it out, but what they saw next brought tears to everyone's eyes......it was Jamari...the real one enclosed in a tank full of orange colored liquid, unconscious, naked, and with several tubes connected to his veins and in both sides of his torso. Seeing their friend like this made them scream out in pain with tears streaming down their faces wishing, they could help him. "NOOOO!" Martin screamed "JAMARI!" Bobby cried out, "LET ME GO!" Martin shouted at the guards struggling to escape from them as Zambia and Chasity sat their and sobbed. Martin sat there hopeless to save him as they passed the tank, he spat at it "Fuck your technology" he told the guard turning around and trying to spit in his as well but the guard dodged it, "Try again kid" he said "Ahhhh my dear friends" A voice said as the guards turned them around to face where the voice came from to see The doppelganger Jay walking towards them "How's it hangin'?" He asked putting his hands behind his back as suddenly several color shards of crystal flew at his head, heart, and throat. He quickly dodged the one for his head and throat and caught the one meant for his heart midway before it reached it, "Awwwe...that's not nice, I thought we were friends?" He said mocking a sad tone "But you're gonna ya know feel.....betrayed." He said crushing the yellow crystal meant for his heart. "Too late you dick!" Bobby said "Oh nonononono, not by me of course........ But by her" He said holding his and out towards the wall where the tank holding Jamari was and another tank came in side of his from a mechanism behind the wall revealing another person in a tank from their gang. "....n-no way" Martin said looking back at the doppelganger.......