As they sat there freaking out yet interested in their glowing parts Jamari stood up and aimed his hand out of his window that was still broken with his palm open and concentrated, he took a deep breath "......and..... Now!" *thip*......*shhnk* "Whoa hah no way did you oh man did u see that it just-......nevermind" he said as his excitement died down "What dude? I saw it but what's wrong?" Martin said, "....there's an open window...... " Jamari said "Okay but-" "plus that guy never left." Jamari brought to Martin's attention "Wha-who?" He asked. "That guy who was looking at my arm.... Like he knew what happened...... Like he was some sort of researcher or scientist" Jamari said "oh..." ".....yea". All the way across town there was two girls; Zambia and Chasity, now these girls are just like Jamari and Martin although very different. "Hey Zambi what you wanna do today?" Chasity said, "I don't know, how come we have to stay here...why cant we go across town. I heard they have an amazing Arcade there and it boooooooring here" Zambia said. "You know why..." Chasity said "I know I know but people don't have to know.... We can hide it, I've learned to conceal my eyes so they dont look bright green" Zambia explained. "Fine fine.... We can go" Chasity said, "Yay!" Said Zambia "It's gonna be a long day.." Chasity said with a sigh. Meanwhile Jamari and Martin were learning to control their "gifts" "hey dude check this out" Martin said "Huuuuuuraaaaugh!" *thud* screamed Martin as shards protruded out of his mouth as if he was breathing fire... Except with crystals. "Whoa... Does that hurt man?" Jamari said amazed "Nah.... Actually it feels pretty natural" Martin told him, "So does mines" Jamari said. This was either gonna be the start of something good... Or extremely bad.