"W-what?" Kevon asked as the heart started shaking and several holes appeared inside of the giants chest and metal wires shot out snagging Everyone where they stood. They screamed as their crystal bodies still couldn't protect them from the metal, "w-what... what is this?" Jamari said grunting and struggling to move as the chest began to glow and slowly shift into something...a big something. Zambia looked as no one came out from the giant and saw the glowing "mmm.........No!" She said dashing towards it "somethings wrong" the doubles began climbing up the giant and some of them fell into the hole, before long they had made it to the hole Jamari and everyone were in. They started to punch and beat them while they were still stuck in place as the heart of the giant continued to shift and morph into something no one knew yet, as blows were heard over the rumbling of the giant and the humming from the glowing they all grunted and groaned in pain crying out in agony forced to go through the beatings. Shortly a purple green beam shot out to the doubles who hadn't gotten in yet as Zambia ran up the giants arm jumping onto the platform Bobby had made making it easier to stand as she grabbed a double by its face slinging it back screaming. She fought crushing the doubles that were torturing her friends and pulled the wires out and comforted everyone "y'all okay? Please tell me y'all are" She said looking worried as Jamari smiled and grabbed her arm bleeding "I'm...We're fine sweetie" he said laughing "W-why're you laughing?" She asked. "Cause you're badass..." he said looking over as his eyes got bigger "OUT! NOW!" He screamed "what?" Zambia asked looking confused as Jay got up quickly screaming from the pain to throw her out of the chest of the giant "Wa-Wait!" She said before she got tossed as he quickly started to help the others, Bobby was unconscious and so was Kevin, Kevons arm chest and ribs were injured and broken as he threw them out too. When he got to Martin he saw Martin crying peacefully "Hey, hey look at me" Jamari told him lifting his head up "we're gonna get out of here" he told him lifting him up "It's no use" he said chuckling softly "my legs are shot.... just leave me" Martin explained "No! I'm not leaving you!" He said screaming more from straining himself and bleeding more as they limped towards the outside "Hey...." Martin said "Yea?" Jamari said still limping with him with his arm around his shoulder "A pizza party after this would be a good idea" he said laughing "Yea...it would, don't worry we'll have it soon man" Jamari said as they made it to the edge "Eat a slice for me..." Martin told him "Wh-" before Jamari could react Martin pushed him off the edge as the heart that was morphing finished into a giant shatterstar as it shot out right through Martin's chest and his eyes slowly went from lively to lifeless "NOOOOOOOO!!!! MARTIIIIIN!!!" He said falling into the sand with impact as the giant self destructed and poofed into crystal dust as if it was never there. Jamari sat up looking up with tears in his eyes balling his fists and breathing heavily "RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He let out a powerful war cry as the ground rumbled and shards came up out of the ground resembling pillars as Kevon and Zambia looked on frightened and crying. Jamari kept screaming as he was driven to his knees and purple crystals came out of his spine, they went around his chest supporting his ribs going to his arms shaping them to gauntlets and claws of crystal. It went up his neck passing his mouth and going to his eyes and the rest of his head and went up into horns. He kept breathing heavily as he clenched his fists, he slowly stood and turned with his eyes glowing green, bright enough to blind someone "Die." He said as his voice was distorted and almost sounded like it wasn't him "DIE!" He yelled jumping up making a crater in the sand "W-what...w-who was... what was that?!" Kevon said afraid of what he just witnessed, Zambia looked in the direction where he was before the jump in shock and horror. Jamari landing back in the facility making another crater as the doubles took a look at him and ran away, he put his arms together making a giant gun shooting shards at all of them while walking towards the door. "WHERE IS HE! COMMANDER PULLOCK WHERE ARE YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!?!" He screamed destroying all of the doubles in one fowl swoop and breaking through the door and beating the guards who stood in his way breaking their jaws with one punch and taking their spines out from choking them as he questioned one "Where." He said as the green eyes almost stared into the guards soul "AHHHHHHH HE'S HE'S ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING WHERE IT LOOKS THE FANCIEST THE RED VELVET DOOR WITH THE GOLD KNOBS I SWEAR I SWEAR!" The guard said frightened for his life as Jamari cracked his neck by moving his thumb to the side while he held his face. He stood and roared before dashing through the giant building and killing whatever guards came in his way destroying the place before making it to his destination, "OHHHH PULLOOOOOCK!" He called as he stood at the door "KNOCK. KNOCK." He said as he banged twice before the door burst and pullock sat in his chair trying to pour a drink shakily "D-Dear god..." he said "Wh-what...what have you become?" He asked. Jamari looked at him, "those are the eyes of the devil!" Pullock screamed trying to get away before Jamari shot a shard at his leg and he cried out in pain "Yea how's it feel!?" Jamari screamed walking up and kicking him in his stomach holding back strength to keep him alive "I asked you a question" he told him as Pullock looked at him and his face glitched before the holo face was removed and it revealed the true face of the man behind it all. It took not even 2 seconds..."YOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!"